What It Was Like Quarantining At Home For 2 Weeks In College | The Odyssey Online
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What It Was Like Quarantining At Home For 2 Weeks In College

Thank you, COVID-19.

What It Was Like Quarantining At Home For 2 Weeks In College
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

On September 13, 2020 around 10:30 PM, I was notified that I had been in direct contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. At this moment in time, I was told that the following morning I would have to come to the health center to be tested, with a bag packed for 2 weeks or 10 days, depending on my results. However, no matter what I was not permitted to return to my dorm because I would be going home either way, according to the contact tracing team here at Villanova. The next day rolled around and I arrived at the health center with my suitcase and backpack, and my rapid test came back negative. Phew! However the second test would be sent to a lab and take around 3 days, which also ended up being negative. This was a relief however I would have to drive 5 hours home to Pittsburgh, PA to quarantine in case I developed any symptoms. At first I was absolutely distraught. Tears rolled down my face the entire car ride home as I would be separated from my independent life for 2 whole weeks. Girl, you needed to chill out. This really was not a big deal. Talk about dramatic! That was me. It was weird adjusting to being home when I was not intending to be, yet it was a nice break away from the hustle and bustle lifestyle I undertake here at school. I never felt homesick, but this might have been just what I needed. Of course, I FaceTimed my friends everyday, sometimes twice a day and this made things go by faster than I ever expected. Luckily, I never developed any symptoms and was able to come back to school no problem and continue my life here as normal! Everyone involved is healthy which is the most important part. The ways in which Villanova handled it was chaotic yet organized as I spoke with many nurses who told me the same procedures to take however the overwhelming numbers of cases in recent weeks has not made it easy for them, so I appreciate how smoothly my experience ran. That being said, please be careful! I never expected to get exposed or spend 2 weeks with my parents at home but you never know what can happen. I myself have been holding accountable to staying safe on the weekends and avoiding large groupings, and I still had to quarantine, so everyone follow the rules and wear your mask to keep those around you safe as well.

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