This is a great time in history.
This is the kind of season in which amazing things are creatively established. If you look at history, it always took a really ghastly societal condition to bring about great change.
We all know we are in a difficult situation as a nation. So much anger and despair has risen up over our cities and states. There are naturally many ideas and discourses out there about where we are as Americans. Everyone thinks they are right. Everyone has an opinion. But I'm not concerned with the opinions of the older generation. I am concerned with our opinion. Ultimately, our perspectives will change the world we now know.
So, what do you think, Millennial revivalist? Have you taken a strong position in terms of what you think about our nation in light of our recent election? If you have, I encourage you to read the article I wrote last week. It will shed some light into the perspectives of the remnant of the Church.
However, this piece you are reading is more than an article. This is a call. This is a call for our generation to rise up and be the Church we are meant to be.
We have looked at our ancestors. Similarly to the ancestors of the Israelites, we have also watched ours turn to other idols. We have watched our churches turn into dry places, where we are not sure if Jesus would be welcomed or not. We have seen our leaders operate in their gifting, but not in integrity.
We have seen an incongruence between what they say and how they live. We have watched our mentors turn God's projects into their projects. We have seen God's agenda succumb into people's agendas. We have seen depravities where the Church has become so blinded, it begins to condone sin or turns a blind eye to it. We have let an entire generation become desensitized to God, His rule, His authority and His holiness.
We are in bad shape. So, what are we going to do?
We are going to change everything. But this is not the type of attitude that can be passive. It must be ruthless. It must be aggressive. It must be fierce. We cannot let the mistakes of our ancestors be repeated. We must become a generation that is uncompromising; a generation that wants and yearns for God's rule over all things.
We have enough literature and knowledge to turn it around. The only thing we need as Millennials is a change of heart. We must be the kind of generation that ceases to care about what people think about us more than what God thinks about us. We have to be ruthless when it comes to sin, and that comes in all shapes and forms.
We have to eradicate unbelief, pride, sexual sins and envy. These things have been eating the church alive. If we truly want to see revival, we need to deal with sin issues, and it begins with us. We must be a repentant generation, an honest and transparent generation. We need to come to the point where we admit we have certain sins we struggle with, and actively choose to walk away from them TOGETHER.
We need the prayer and worship incense to arise. We must live lives completely surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That means we really truly live lives of prayer, worship and love. If I live a life of prayer and worship, I cannot help but honor God in every area of my life. If I live a life of love, I cannot help but care for those around me fiercely.
We MUST arise! We must be different. We need to go back to the studying of the Word, to prayer, to worship, to power evangelism and to unashamed faith. We need the Joshuas of this generation to rise up in this hour.
Our ancestors are dying in the desert. The Lord gave them what they wanted, but what about us? We are the remnant that wants to honor God but doesn't know the law. Yet we desire to live by it. We are going to be the kind of generation that doesn't get confined to the studying of the Word. We will be the people who will be free to LIVE out the Word.
So, dear Millennial Revivalist, are you up for the challenge? Let's live this out. Let's change everything.