Starting in 2008, Kayla Itsines, a 25-year-old from Adelaide, Australia, began working at an all women’s Fitness Institution. After hearing time and time again from her clients that they weren’t seeing the results they wanted, Kayla decided to start her own company. A short time later, she hit social media hard with an international group of followers.
Kayla’s company created a program called BBG or Bikini Body Guide. This program consists of two rounds of four different exercises each. You complete the first round for seven minutes, the second round for seven minutes and then complete that entire fourteen minutes again in the same manner. The exercises target a specific group of muscles depending on the day, so if you follow the schedule properly you should have some combination of legs, arms, abs and cardio routines. Kayla and her team did a great job of creating a schedule that is both easy to follow and doable.
There are a few pros and cons of actually doing this BBG program, with the pros absolutely and indefinitely outweighing the cons. So, let's start with the negatives then. First of all, its by no means easy. Kayla kicks your butt in the absolute best way possible. The exercises on a single day’s workout target a specific group of muscles as previously mentioned, so it's safe to say your legs on leg day are gonna be feeling it a short 24 - 48 hours after. But who doesn't love the burn of hard work and muscle toning? A second and definitely addressable con is that it is simply not too fun to do on your own. Kayla and her team created this program to be done as a part of a community, something bigger.
That problem is so easily fixed though that it can be turned into a pro with a simple text or call. Calling friends or family to do this workout with you is a fun way to get exercise and have fun doing it. In its entirety, besides high and low intensity cardio, it only takes 28 minutes to complete a BBG session. This means, that’s right no excuses ladies, it can always be fit into a busy schedule. You also don’t need much equipment to complete most of the workouts. Only a few raised surfaces such as a chair or bench plus a set of free weights are sometimes needed. Lastly, this program was designed specifically for women. Therefore it is framed for the woman’s body, schedule and mindset, while also encouraging empowerment in its focus on women in the community accomplishing all that they set out to do. If you choose to do so, you can also follow the well thought out diet and eating guide that goes along with Kayla’s exercise guides.
The social media speaks for itself in terms of what the program can do in making positive changes in hundreds of women's lives already. Not only is there physical and mental progress but also the people who do BBG make positive general life changes. It is amazing to see the community that has been created and read the stories shared by individual women and the support they receive from other Kayla-followers. I would not only recommend but encourage anyone looking to make a positive step forward to try out Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide program.