You know that one person that always wants to be on the opposite side of every trend? The one who just wants attention and the way they go about getting said attention is being part of the opposing side? They just need to get over themselves, right? Well those people comprise most of the "Suicide Squad" critics. Suicide Squad was not a horrible movie as many of these edgy critics will tell you.
Though the plot of the movie was not to die for, the character background and story was killer, pun intended. Director, Davis Ayer, has done something that cannot be easily done… he made you not want the villain to get defeated. From the very beginning, I was on their side. Not the side of the “good” guys. In all honesty, it made me root against the people who were supposed to be the protagonists, the American government. This reverse of feelings and emotions had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next.
The main key to the making of any movie is casting. This is especially important for any movie that is an adaptation of anything that already has a fan base. I believe that Suicide Squad nailed casting straight on the head. Shining the spotlight on four certain people: The Joker (Jared Leto), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Diablo (Jay Hernandez) and the star of the show, Amanda Waller (Viola Davis). Perfectly cast. They took the role and made it hop off the pages of a DC comic book. I know what everyone is going to say, “Heath Ledger will always be the best Joker,” or “There will never be another Joker like Heath Ledger.” Way to state the obvious. Of course there will never be another Heath Ledger, his untimely and sad demise will always be something that stabs the heart of Hollywood, but we cannot keep not liking something because we expect it to be something that it will never be again. It is literally impossible for any person to play the Joker the way Heath did because no one, but Heath Ledger, is Heath Ledger. Jared Leto redefined the role for me. He made it something that I believe only Jared Leto can do. He is the new Joker. Harley Quinn was just amazing. Star of the show. Every time she wasn’t on the screen you wanted to know where she was. Diablo was actually a very nice surprise for me. The character development tied with his back story put me on am emotional rollercoaster, as cliché as that sounds. I was not expecting to feel any kind of way about Diablo, but I believe Jay Hernandez made him a character that shined brightly on the big screen, pun intended again. But the star of the entire show was Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. When I say no one could play this role any better, I mean it. When I told my friend this, he said that he hated her. A.K.A. she did her job. She made you hate Amanda Waller with the burning passion of a thousand suns. I have never wanted a character to die in a movie so badly in my life.
The biggest problem of the entire film was the plot. The plot was very bland and unimaginative. It had no substance and it was nothing to write home about. The only other downfall, in my opinion, was that if a character wasn’t big, then they were basically irrelevant to the entire movie. So irrelevant that if you took them out, the movie would be the same. Characters like Katana and Captain Boomerang were just very forgettable and an overall disappointment.
I believe that this is a step in the right direction for DC Comics. Their movies have been somewhat lackluster, and I think this movie has given everyone hope for the franchise. Hope that was starting to diminish. I now believe that DC has a chance to get out of the rut that it has been in and it’s all thanks to Suicide Squad.