If you have been upset lately with the number of movies that have been released this summer that are hyped up to the extreme with obsessive advertising and end up dragging on and on for close to three hours (yes, I’m speaking directly to you, "Ghost Busters" and "Suicide Squad"), I recommend you give "Nerve" a try. The amazing book the movie is based on by Jeanne Ryan speaks for itself, but in case you don’t have time to read it, you can check out this brilliantly cut 2:25 trailer or read on while I give you a quick synopsis…
In the midst of a generation of people who are focused on consistently developing new apps and gave birth to the phenomenon that is social media, I introduce to you the game of Nerve. It is the ultimate game of truth and dare, except there are no truths and the dares are broadcasted live online for anyone to see. If you decide to join this secret and seemingly illegal online community, you can either choose to be a “watcher” or a “player." As the trailer states, “Watchers pay to watch, players play to win cash and glory.”
Recommended for you
The movie centers around a character named Venus (portrayed by Emma Roberts) who is a shy, wallflower type of girl, who is known for constantly sitting on the sidelines until her best friend, a fame seeking adrenal junkie, wraps her up into the game of Nerve. The game lasts for 24 hours and after you complete each new dare you earn more cash, with the stakes rising and the dares becoming risker and scarier. Not only do the watchers watch your every move, but they also get to actually choose which dares you perform and can accurately do so by scanning your personal social media pages and learning information about you so that they can use their new knowledge against you. For example, if they find out you're scared of heights, they can dare you to hang off of an edge of a tall building.
Sounds kind
of sketchy, right? Well it is, and as the game progresses on, it leads to jealousy
between fame-hungry players and has Venus run into and eventually pair up with a mysteriously
aloof guy named Ian (portrayed by Dave Franco).
If you wanted to see a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie, I recommend you give "Nerve" a try.