On June 22nd, 2016, my younger brother was thrilled to announce that Big Brother would be airing that very night after a long awaited year. He could barely contain his excitement as he hopped on the couch, remote in hand, ready to judge each new cast member they would soon introduce into the tiny house. As someone who had only caught glimpses of the hit reality show as I passed through my family's living room time to time, I never expected to become so hooked one day. This was the first summer I chose to watch a Big Brother season from beginning to end, and I can definitely say it lived up to its addicting expectations. Even while away at college without cable, I have found the time to binge watch on my computer, week after suspenseful week. Therefore, due to my newfound obsession, I have decided to compile a list of thoughts from Season 18 as not only a Big Brother Virgin, but a forever-faithful viewer.
The Cast
I have to admit, when I first saw the cast being announced on the show, I wasn't immediately glued to the TV, and I certainly wasn't an automatic fan of the show. If anything, the combination of people chosen for the Big Brother House this year was just downright annoying. Mix together high pitched voices with a few inflated egos and you've got yourself Season 18 of Big Brother. From what I understand, original fans who have been watching since 2000 believe that the casts seem to just be getting weirder and weirder every year. I mean, come on: who the hell picked Bronte D'Aquisto to be on this show? Not to mention, there wasn't really anyone I found myself rooting for this summer. My favorites tended to change from week to week, simply depending on how their attitude seemed to fit the occasion or how they reacted to certain situations. Take Natalie for example: loved her when she stood up to Paulie, but hated her when she threw James (her supposed "soulmate") under the bus.The Diary Room
The Showmances
Although many characters and viewers do believe that a showmance is only detrimental to a player's game on Big Brother, I can say otherwise after watching two showmances make it all the way to the final five this season. Not only that, but two of those players involved in the showmances are sitting pretty in the final three. No way James would have made it that far if it weren't for him and Natalie floating their way throughout the season, and I can probably say the same thing for Nicole. Despite the fact that some believe Big Brother may focus too much on these showmances, I think it makes the show that much more interesting. Sometimes they even create a little bit more drama (AKA Paulie and Zakiyah) which of course is never a bad thing...for the viewers of course.The Unexpected
I am completely torn on this aspect of Big Brother. From what I have gathered, Big Brother seems to have made "expect the unexpected" their motto with surprising twists and turns that can often change the direction of the game or even bring people back into the house completely (I think Victor was destined to fail after being eliminated a total of three times...didn't he learn anything?). I do admit I have enjoyed the suspense of seeing how the house guests will react once the secret of the episode is revealed to them. On the other hand, however, die-hard original fans claim that these "twists and turns" have only been detrimental to the show. In other words, what has become of the show is no longer even Big Brother. But honestly, how can you argue that when someone who was eliminated by the house guests three times seemed to just keep on returning with ease? I guess I could understand the care packages voted on by viewers, but the round-trip ticket just seemed like a stupid waste of time.
The Drama
Wow. This has got to be one of the best things about Big Brother, and you are definitely lying if you say otherwise. I find myself ultimately fixated on what will happen next when drama arises in the house. Although I have heard there was a a bit more tension and action in past Big Brother seasons, Season 18 has definitely proved itself in the last few weeks. The fights, the tears, the anger...damn, it's all so good! Starting out seemingly calm, some of the more interesting moments have definitely started to evolve as the house guests have been held together in such a small house (whether Jury or the Big Brother) during one long summer. Which brings me to one man I just cannot seem to stand on the show:
Yes, I made him his own section just so I could rant. This man makes my blood boil.Hard. Maybe it is because I am such a big fan of the drama, but I constantly find myself yelling at the TV screen towards this one particular house guest. Maybe it's because he started out as an okay character who then turned out to be a complete *insert explicit here* when Natalie came along and exposed his true colors. And although I am left feeling that Natalie used James, I could only feel pride for her as she stood up to Paulie with grace and ease in the HOH room. His derogatory comments and useless tactics to bait her into a senseless argument only made him look more pathetic and cowardly. Not only that, but I have never seen such a sore-loser in all my life: why couldn't you just bake the damn pies? In addition, his actions towards Zakiyah inside the Big Brother and Jury House left me only regarding him as a total player. Lastly, I just can't seem to understand why he seems to get so butt-hurt about every single comment thrown his way. Dude, if you were really as tough and manly as you make yourself out to be, you wouldn't be fueling fruitless arguments against Bridgette and Davonne, arguments that only end up making you look like more of a jerk anyway.However, I do want to thank you, Paulie for gracing me with one of the funniest Big Brother moments all season with your attempt to gain sympathy while commenting on your hatred for...wait for it....butterflies. Because apparently they carry souls and you're terrified.
All in all, I will undoubtedly be watching Big Brother for seasons to come. Here's to no longer being a Big Brother Virgin who hopes some features of the show do change and others never will die.
Especially the narrator at the beginning of each show.