While 2016 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the past year. Lately, all over social media, I have seen posts complaining about how bad 2016 was. Don't get me wrong, it was a crazy year. In the past year, I have seen hate, division of people, and hurt. However, more importantly, I have seen amazing miracles happen. Google's Year In Review perfectly captured the craziness of the past year. Instead of focusing on the negatives of 2016, I think it's more important to focus on the positives:
1. Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar.
And took his time in the limelight to focus on important issues
2. Liberia was officially cleared of Ebola.
This means that there are no known cases of the virus left in West Africa, and that's a huge deal.
3. World hunger reached its lowest point in 25 years.
4. It was announced that Harriet Tubman will appear on the $20 bill.
Alongside a host of other changes to the United States bills, Tubman will take the place of Andrew Jackson - American Statesmen, Soldier, Founding Father, 7th President of the U.S., and notorious slave driver - on one of the most common U.S. bills.
5. Costa Rica ran solely on renewable energy for over 100 days.
And they are working to do so for an entire year.
6. The Chicago Cubs won the World Series.
The curse has been broken!
7. Wild Tigers, the Global Manatee, the Columbian white-tailed deer, Green sea turtles, Humpback whales, and Giant Pandas are no longer endangered.
8. Lin- Manual Miranda gave this amazing acceptance speech.
He reminded us that love is what gets us through even the most hateful of times.
"And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside."
9. Taiwan is on the cusp of legalizing same-sex marriage.
This will make them the first Asian country to do so.
10. Anti-smoking ads made a huge impact.
Cigarette smokers have dropped by 8.6 million since 2005. Let's face it, that's a gigantic win.
11. The death penalty has become illegal in over half the world's country.
12. Israel revealed that it now makes 55% of its freshwater.
What once was the driest country now has more water than it needs. The Desalination era is here!
13. We finally saw Ryan Gosling and Blake Lively's family.
They are just as beautiful as everyone expected.
14. Ice Bucket Challenge leads to ALS breakthrough.
The summer of 2014 raised $115 million in just 6 weeks. And in July of 2016 Project MinE reported that that money aided in the discovery of one of the most common culprits of the disease: the gene named NEK1.
It goes to show just how much a crowd-sourced, viral sensation like the Ice Bucket Challenge can help.
15. 200 strangers attended a funeral of a homeless vet.
When Major Jaspen Boothe got word that former WWII veteran Serina Vine would have no one attending her funeral, she went to social media to spread the word. Once a homeless vet herself, Boothe resonated with this story and wanted to make a difference. Just by reaching out, she had 200 strangers attend Serina Vine's funeral.
16. Measles were eliminated from the Americas.
17. Unemployment rate hits a new low.
Unemployment rates have unexpectedly dropped to 4.6% in the first jobs report since after the presidential election.
18. U.S. high school graduation rates reach a record high.
Obama announced that high school graduation rates have reached a record high of 83.2%!
19. Solar Impulse 2 made history.
The first solar powered flight touched down in Abu Dhabi on July 25th - the very first round-the-world solar flight.
20. The 2016 Rio Olympics were enjoyed by millions.
Not only did The United States bring home the gold, but the first Refugee Olympic Team walked behind the flag.
2016 has brought some ups and downs. But what is important in life is to focus on the positives. As you reflect on this past year, this about how you loved, how you helped others, how you helped yourself, and how you lived your life. What will you carry onto the next year? What will you leave behind? A new year brings new opportunities and new chances so make them great.
Thank you for a crazy year, 2016, and here's to an even better 2017!