Everyone has certain obsessions and weaknesses. Some people eat too much fast food, some people watch too much television, and others spend money they know they don't have. The list is endless. But there is also a set of subconscious bad habits among most people. To others, our tendencies seem obvious, but as individuals, we may not fully realize we're doing some of these things. The first and most important step towards overcoming any bad habits is to be aware of what they are.
1. Interrupting.
It seems like an obvious consideration to let people finish their thoughts before you interject. But oftentimes, we get so excited with where a conversation is going or worried that we will lose our train of thought that we interrupt without realizing it. Try to make it a point to let someone fully finish their story or thought before you jump in.
2. Using your phone at meals.
Cell phones have pretty much taken over our lives. It has come to the point that when faced with an awkward situation, we look to our phones for comfort. We may start texting or scrolling through Instagram simply as an impulse. However, constant use of your phone while you're with a group or during meals may make others feel as though you don't care to be around them. Try putting your phone in your purse or pocket for the duration of a meal so you're not tempted.
3. Not listening to understand, but listening to respond.
"Yeah, of course, mhmm." "Wait, can you repeat that?" We've all been there. You're half listening to what your friend is saying, but you're mostly just thinking about your plans for the evening. When having a conversation, try to listen fully to what the other person is saying. It's a lot easier than having to say "what?" four times, and you never know when you will miss something really important.
4. Eating from boredom.
You're not hungry. Actually, you just ate twenty minutes ago, but there's nothing else to do, so you go raid the pantry for the millionth time. Limit yourself on how many snacks you're allowed per day. Or try alternatives. Go for a walk, go to a friend's house, or do something outside so your focus is not on food.
5. Overthinking.
Overthinking is such an easy thing to do, especially in the summertime when school work and extra-curriculars have slowed. It can bring unnecessary stress and anxiety, and it can actually be dangerous to your health. Try talking through the situation with a friend. If something is on your mind, telling someone else may help erase irrational thoughts that occur when you replay a scenario over and over in your mind.
6. Overworking.
College is an extremely stressful time. You're surrounded by highly ambitious people who always seem to be ahead of the game. This adds pressure to take on as many things as possible, sometimes to the point of overload. Don't forget to be realistic with yourself. Can you really handle this? Will you still have time for yourself? Take opportunities when they present themselves, but don't overdo it.