Oh, the bad boy. We can all picture him. Tall, dark, handsome... misunderstood. He probably owns a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket. Girls flock to him and nice guys hate him. This wouldn't really be too much of a problem if it weren't for one thing: he treats ladies like shit.
Now this makes us all wonder... why? Girls wonder: Why do I fall in love with the dark, mysterious bad boy that I know will just end up hurting me? Nice guys ask: Why on earth do I keep getting friend-zoned while this douche keeps getting all the girls? Ladies and gentlemen I have figured out the answer. The trade secret, the answer to all world problems: Why girls fall in love with bad boys.
First off, it's kind of obvious why we are drawn to them. People love mystery. We love the unknown. But once we find out the guy is a jerk, we should just leave him, right? Wrong. Women are fixers. We love to fix things. We see this enticing bad boy who breaks all the rules and has an adventurous side that we love. However, we ignore his bad side because we want to fix him. We believe that if we make him fall in love with us he'll change his awful ways and be a different man. Be good, but only for us.
Because wouldn't that be glorious? To change someone from bad to good? Of course, it would. Every time he doesn't call us back we are making up excuses. Every time he treats us like crap we assume that our work isn't over yet. Just one more week. Just one more month. Just one more year. Until finally, we give up. But then it's oh who is this new guy!? It wasn't just me last time, I KNOW I can fix this one! And thus, the cycle repeats. Because you see it is really hard to change someone. It does happen but it is so extremely rare and us girls hold on to that false hope that one day it will work.
So what does this mean for those nice guys? Should you just treat us like shit and then hope we will date you? No. We can see right through that. Also you play a very important role in this cycle. You are there when yet another bad boy has broken our hearts. You are there when we need ice cream. You are there to show us what we truly deserve. My advice to you is to wait. Keep showing us you are there. Keep telling us that he is bad for us. Keep showing us what we deserve because I promise you, the "bad boy phase" is just that, a phase.
There is a time in every woman's life where she finally realizes that you can't make a bad boy a husband. However, this revelation happens at all sorts of different stages in a woman's life, one might be in college one might be fifty. But it does happen and when it does, who would make a great husband? My best guy friend. Who was with me through every heartbreak, every hard time? He was. Marriage is a partnership. A "bestfriendship." The best thing all you nice guys can do is wait. The nice guy does finish last, but it is for a good reason. Don't give up on us, nice guys. We haven't forgotten about you.