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8 Places To Revamp Your Closet On King Street

From chains to small boutiques we have it all

8 Places To Revamp Your Closet On King Street

All in All, there is some great shopping on King Street and it's not limited to clothes. There are some great shoe stores and small little accessory boutiques all around. These are just some of my personal favorites but there's definitely more to explore. Wherever you choose to shop, I hope that this gave you some insight on where to go to when you want to shop til you drop.


This store is so unbelievably cute. Their style is definitely more edgy and has a lot of leather skirts and jackets. However, they do range on both ends of the scale, including flowy and fun tops perfect for parties or daytime fun and dresses for date parties and going out at night. They also have brands such as Champion, Dickies, Levi's and other really famous brands. That being said, some of the more famous brands do have higher prices but some of their other stuff is cheaper and comparable to most boutiques in Charleston. You can find this store on Upper King, 525 King St.

Urban Outfitters

Okay, I know what you're thinking. I know that Urban Outfitters is a chain but I feel like we have such a good one here on King Street. Come Springtime, they have their swimwear in stores which is so nice because everyone knows that bathing suits are so frustrating to order. Not to mention, the store's history is really cool as well. The store itself used to be a theatre and you can even see its old structure in the dressing rooms. Overall, it's such a good option for clothes shopping and it has a great location being in the middle of King Street. You can find it across the street from Walgreens at 371 King St.


Luna is such a cute store that has many up-scale brands you might have heard of. While their prices might be a bit higher compared to some other stores, it's definitely worth it because of their great quality. They have all types from some comfy clothes to really great jeans to going out dresses and shirts. I have heard so many people talk about this store and frequently see people caring bags so it's definitely a hot spot. This place is also another example of a great location on King Street being that it is one street over from the Cistern so when you're walking back from Maybank, take a quick left and head over to 334 King St.

E. Blackhurst

This is another great example of a beautiful boutique. This store happens to be on the other side of King all the way down by Millers All Day (aka the best breakfast place EVER) This store has a ton of cute dresses and tops that are great for going out to dinner or a nicer event. All their clothes are really fashionable and great for whatever you may need them for. They also have really cute jean shorts which are definitely hard to find as such a good price so definitely stop in there if you get the chance. Many sororities have even included gift card opportunities in their Panhellenic events to this boutique because it's just that popular. They are located at 123 King St.

Dress Up

This store is super trendy smack dab in the middle of King Street. It definitely has some earthier vibes to in the sense that most of their clothes are flowy and have really pretty earth tones. I have bought some great pieces from them including a pair of paper bag pants that I wear every time I get the chance. They have great prices as well and allow you to get things with great quality for a lower price than usual. That being said, it's so easy to pop in there and see what their latest items are. This store is located at 320 King Street.

Free People

So this is another chain, I know BUT King Streets, Free People, just recently opened and it's such a great addition to King Street. It's further up so It's definitely great for those who live farther up and don't want to hike all the way down King to go Shopping. They have a really great selection and have some really cute summer clothes coming in right now. Also, they have a great denim selection in store, which as mentioned before Jeans are also super annoying to order so it's nice you have somewhere that has a ton in stock. This store can be found at 466 King St.

Las Olas

Living in Charleston, you need a great swimsuit store and this is it. They sell every kind of bikini, one piece, swim trunk under the sun. The nice thing too is that they're all organized by color. They also have a good clothing selection that definitely makes it easy to find some dresses and coverups you may need to go along with your swimsuit. They have a lot of name brands that are great quality so it's definitely worth checking out. You can find Las Olas at 441 King St.


Last but not least, my favorite boutique is definitely Bevello. Not to say that the others aren't amazing but for my personal style Bevello is perfect. They have a lot of name brands such as Joe's Jeans and other famous denim brands. Their clothes are very trendy and range from cocktail dresses to graphic tees. I have a ton of clothes from here that I wear regularly. The prices of items range because some of the clothes are a higher brand but there are definitely clothes that are affordable yet don't lack in quality. If you have the time, you should definitely check it out, you won't be wasting your time. You can find Bevello at 285 King St.

Overall, these stories are bound to ruin your bank account. There are so many stores to go into and you can never just stop at window shopping. King Street is dangerous but hopefully, it can also help you revamp your closet!

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