Your best friend has been studying abroad in some beautiful place far away from you and you've both missed each other endlessly but you made it through the semester with help from Snapchat and FaceTime. The countdown is over and it is officially time to get ready to see your bestie again! Move in day is here and as you lug stuff from your car to your room, you just happen to see her there waiting for you!
You both scream and run to each other, dropping anything and everything to embrace her.
Whether its in private or public, people will be able to hear you no matter what. The hugging and excitement lasts until someone possibly has a bruised rip and when you break apart you can't stop looking at their face because THEY ARE ACTUALLY BACK WITH YOU!
2.) Gossip
Since you're besties, you already know basically everything that happened while she was studying abroad but this is your time to get clarification and the full story. Her stories will probably be more exciting than what's been happening on the home court, but when you're all caught up on her abroad shenanigans, it is time to catch her up on a semester of campus gossip and there's more than you think. With each new piece, you remember something even juicer and she'll love it all. Play-by-plays are necessary.
3.) Netflix
You've been separated from your Netflix and cuddle buddy for over a semester and it is time to get back to it. Whatever your shared series is there is most likely a new season or two for you to catch up on. Do not forget the pizza and wine!
4.) Wine Night
Nothing is better than sharing a big bottle of pink Mascot with your best friend except maybe you each having your own. It's a time to reconnect and have some fun. Since it's only syllabus week you can take part in wine Wednesday and not be behind in class on Thursday.
5.) Cafe
You'll go to the cafe for dinner, not for the food because its all gross, but for the people. She has to see all the new freshman and transfers. You'll point everyone out and maybe/hopefully even remember more gossip for her.
6.) Real food
Since you both barely ate anything at the cafe, you'll go home and order tons of take out. There is no need to just order one thing, you have tons of eating catch up to do to! If a new place opened up while she was gone that is a must. Feel free to get food from a few places too!
Your right hand is back and it is time to get the semester back on track with her by your side. Get ready to come back from class and find her in your bed again and to have her in real time (not 6 hours ahead).