As the end of the holiday season approaches, most of us, on some scale, dread returning to the routine of work or school. This article describes (or rather shows) those feelings as the end of break is near and it's time to get back into the swing of things.
1. The realization that there's no more sleeping in on a regular basis.
2. It's back to the university's dining hall for food.
3. The fact that you have to lug all of your bags back, then reorganize and unpack as if you just move in.
4. Realizing that your text books are about to eat your bank account...again.
5. Some of which you might only use one time or less the entire semester.
6. Then realizing that you have a new set of classes to begin within a day or two of coming back.
7. Then thinking about finals and the challenges you defeated before Christmas, that you will now have to repeat in April.
8. And then starting all of this up in the cold, wintery weather that is as dependable as a career politician, is even better.
9. And if the cold wasn't bad enough, having to face the following people in classes or on campus:
10. Also facing the reality that you have to make your appearance half way decent on a daily basis, because you're not at home anymore and you don't want to scare people.
11. And while there are cons to returning, you are also being happy to see your friends again.
12. Even if you all get into trouble, because that's what you do.
13. Also, shoutout to all those Gryffindors out there.
And then there's Dean. Oh, Dean,
While returning back to school definitely has it's cons, you know deep down inside you missed all of those quirky things about it. Just remember that the new year brings a new semester full of opportunities; may your semester be magical and successful.