Pros & Cons of returning to college after summer | The Odyssey Online
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Pros & Cons Of Returning To College After Summer

A list of some good and bad things coming up for college kids...

Pros & Cons Of Returning To College After Summer

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There always pros and cons to any situation and along with that come many mixed emotions which I personally have been feeling about returning to college. I'm sure many of you have felt indifferent about going back as well so let's see if you can relate to any of these!

I'm going to start with some pros because who wants to start something off badly...

PROS 1. Back to Freedom

Back to school means back to freedom, at least for some of us. Back to living alone or in a dorm, whatever your situations is, i'm sure you will enjoy the alone time as will I. I mean we all love our parents and were happy to spend time with friends and family over the summer but honestly I feel like students are just ready to go back to school so they can be back living away from their hometowns. Its difficult switching back and forth between your hometown life and your college life.

2. Back to Friends 

No not just the show, but your actual friends!!! It is going to be nice to be able to see your out of state friends more often, as well as your instate friends. You will also meet so many new faces in the upcoming semester so that is a pro as well!

3. Back to Constant Change 

Every semester things are changing- whether we want them to or not. Changing in the sense of a new dorm, new house, new apartment, new roommates, new major, the list is endless. I've always believed change was good because it keeps our lives in constant motion so that's also something to look forward too even though change can be scary sometimes, it all will work out.

4. Back to Learning 

While this may not be a pro for everyone, I consider it one because I genuinely enjoy learning about my selected major as should you! If you don't enjoy your major change it while you still have the chance. It's important to be interested in what your learning plus, it's good for your brain to be constantly learning anyway!!!

5. Back to Endless Themed Shindigs 

Between all of the sororities and fraternities down to just your average college kids, there is always SOMETHING going on. College kids will seriously look for ANY excuse to dress up... I think its to hide the fact that we all don't want to grow up and this whole college thing is actually hard. While it may be difficult it is nice to dress up in a fun outfit and pretend like you are a kid again with all your best friends. Definitely will always love the extra mile some people go on their outfits too LOL.

Unfortunately, things can't always be good in every situation and there will be some cons. There are some major cons about returning to college, here's a few:

CONS 1. Back to Stress

Yeah, college is hard as all get out so we all definitely are stressed about the stress were going to have when we get back. Between managing 16 or more credit hours while maintaining a job and social life can be challenging and will definitely cause some stress. Managing time is an issue for most college students (guilty) which causes the stress for most I feel. Due dates, work dates, weekend plans with friends can all be hard to accomplish when you have loads of work to do. Save yourself, choose time slots for each thing and stick to a schedule. It may help!

2. Back to Tight Funds

Between paying for your new semester books, tuition, utilities, food, etc you honestly only have like 5 dollars left in your bank account :( its okay, i've been there and I feel for you. Not to mention, everything cost money so it sometimes gets difficult to spend time with friends when you don't have tons of money to spend. Sorry ladies, looks like we are having a movie night for the 3rd weekend in a row LOL.

3. Back to Frozen Foods

See, were all excited to leave until we remember that were not going to get anymore home cooked meals for a WHILE. Your ramen, and frozen dinners will have to suffice, sometimes that better than the dining hall food right...?

4. Back to Loneliness 

Homesickness. I think we have all gone through it. Even me! and I literally live only thirty minutes away from campus. You are going to miss your family more than you think you will and it's going to SUCK. You just have to remind yourself that they are just a phone call or post card away. Find some new things around campus to get involved in so you can feel more connected to the community. Maybe even get some new decoration in your room, the cozier the better :)

5. Back to Reality

While we had our fun over summer, its time to snap back into school mode. I think one thing college kids are known for is their TERRIBLE sleeping patterns. UGH some of us actually have to wake up and be in a class seat at 8am... rude of the college to do us like that. But seriously... get in the habit now of waking up earlier because you will regret it the first week of class, trust me.

While everyone's situations are different, I hope whoever reads this, college student or not, finds a way to relate to it in some way because we have definitely allll been there. No matter how good or bad returning may be- make the best of it! You can only do it once!

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