Before I left for college, my house was my home. When I was away at school, my house was my home. But all of a sudden, my school is my home. My boyfriend, my sisters, my friends and my dorm make college my home. I never thought any place away from my family could be anywhere close to the same but it really is.
It may be the freedom or the fact that no one there is nagging me about my awful sleep schedule but college is my home. Without my sweet sisters whom I adore, school would be nothing more than school. Without my boyfriend, frat parties would be annoying. Without my friends, my memories would be slim to none. College is so much more than classes, books and crappy dorm rooms and food.
As winter break comes to an end, I dread and celebrate what will happen. I am sad to leave my family, but also excited to see my sorority family(pictured above). I know it pains my parents to see me so excited to leave them once again but deep down I think they know that college is exactly where I want and need to be.
I love my family more than anything but the amount of fun (and learning) I have is incomparable to anything else in my life. So, it's not that I enjoy parting ways with my family, but the family waiting on the other side of that 3 hour drive makes everything worth it.
I am so thankful for the experience I have had thus far in college and I owe it all the everyone around me. All the support and love is amazing and very helpful to keep me going even when classes are challenging. Thank you Family(s) for the overwhelming affection that you give that has provided me with all the memories I have today.