If I am being completely honest, I am absolutely ecstatic that I will be able to attend my classes in person for this Fall semester. That being said, I am saying it selfishly. Do I think that I can and will be safe as I approach these in-person classes? Absolutely. Do I believe the majority of my college peers will behave the same way? Not for a second.
The general problem with people my age is the complete lack of selflessness, or the ability to look at the big picture of things. We thrive on immediate pleasures and instant gratification. Atop this, most of my generation does not know how to be alone, and they have been for far too long.
No matter how many emails my university sends about practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and the looming risks of expulsion if parties of greater than 10 people are busted, I have no doubt that the partying will ensue.
What does this mean for the country?
What it probably means is that most, if not all universities, will become completely online within the first month of classes. On top of this, I fear for the second round of closing for bars and restaurants due to bartenders (who are college students) that "accidentally" served drinks past 10 pm. With another round of closing, comes another economy shattering blow to society, and probably another round of stimulus checks.
Lets think about what this, in turn, means.
Another round of stimulus checks means more free money, right?
That is another favorite ever-so-prevalent quality of my peers. This incessant belief that anything is free. I hope you all realize the taxes that we are already going to have to pay in order to make up for the first round of "free money" handed out by the government. Lets try to imagine another round.
Oh, you only got 50% of your check from work that week? How could they possible take that much out for taxes?
Yeah remember that instant gratification thing I was talking about earlier?
When I was writing this, I didn't intend to be so passive aggressive, but it seems my honest emotions on the matter have gotten the best of me. I am expecting the worst, but oh so desperately hoping for the best as classes begin next week.
Please do your part to keep us in person. We desperately need to be, and it starts with each and every one of us.