Media plays such a huge role in today’s society, so it's virtually impossible to be uneducated about something you can just do a little research on. It's insane how much information is available to us but how little we actually use. The animal agriculture industry is one of these topics about which there's a lot of information available to the public, but despite that, not many people know what really goes on in the industry.
I am a vegetarian (though I mostly opt for vegan), and there have been a few very important documentaries that I watched (after becoming vegetarian) which really confirmed that it was the right choice for me. I’ve never been a big meat eater, and I never liked the idea of a once living creature being served on a dinner plate. People ask me why I don’t eat meat.
Simple: I don’t feel the need to take an animal’s life just because it tastes good. In my personal situation, I don’t have to support the current messed up animal agriculture industry (aka factory farms); therefore, I don’t.
The fact is that food has become such a big part of our culture and everyday lives. Take the average American, for example. We have fast food readily available to us 24/7, and we don’t think twice about where the food came from and what it took to get the food to our plate – or in this case, a takeout bag.
If you're remotely curious about where your food came from or the effect your diet is having on the environment and your health, I would highly recommend that you check out some of the documentaries below.
Bonus: They're all available on Netflix!
1. “Cowspiracy”
Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.
Agriculture is responsible for 80 to 90 percent of US water consumption.
Livestock covers 45 percent of the Earth’s total land.
These are just a few facts to give you some perspective as to what environmental impact of the animal agriculture industry has.
This film dives into how the animal agriculture industry is the most environmentally destructive industry on the planet and why no one wants to talk about it. Animal agriculture is also the largest industry on the planet, and it is growing with the population. This industry is detrimental to our earth, water and atmosphere. People need to wake up and realize that it’s not just your car destroying the planet – it’s your burger!
2. “Farmageddon”
This film takes a look at why some of the last family farms in the U.S. are being shut down by “agents of misguided government bureaucracies.” Family farms are a thing of the past, and we are quickly losing freedom to decide what we eat. The film encourages everyone to "take action to preserve individuals’ rights to access food of their choice and farmers’ rights to produce these foods."
3. “Food Inc.”
This documentary takes a look at the "factory" in "factory farms," if you will.
Monsanto, Tyson, Perdue and Smithfield’s farming practices are investigated in the film, and we see the “supreme value in food production” as meat prices drop and environmental destruction and inhumane animal treatment both skyrocket. The film also shows you what you can do as a consumer to help put a stop to the madness.
4. “GMO OMG”
“GMO OMG” is the story of a father in search of answers about the elusive 'GMOs.' He tackles two big questions: What is a GMO, and what is the effect they have on us?
5. “Vegucated”
This one is for everyone who says they could never give up animal products. "Vegucated" follows three meat-lovers as they transition to a vegan lifestyle and documents the challenges they face, which ultimately result in dramatic lifestyle changes.
“Part sociological experiment, part science class, and part adventure story, Vegucated showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who share one journey and ultimately discover their own paths in creating a kinder, cleaner, greener world, one bite at a time.”