In my experience, summer sleep schedules are extremely inconsistent. One day I am up and well rested at 8 in the morning, the next I can't fall asleep until the sun starts to rise. It can be frustrating, especially when having a schedule that demands your full attention and effort all day every day. While some may experience these sleepless nights more than others, it can happen to anyone. Our thoughts about it tend to go something like this:
1. "Not again..."
Realizing you wont fall asleep is probably the most exhausting thing ever. You want nothing more than to sleep, but tossing and turning seems like the only option.
2. "Just count sheep, it's easy"
You become so desperate you turn to counting sheep. This can actually work if you have your head in the right place, but be warned, this tactic can easily turn into all of your innermost thoughts making their way to the front of your brain all at once.
3. "What is wrong with you? You love sleep!"
Your bed is your bestie, unless you can't fall asleep in it. Then there are issues.
4. "Alright you have to be up in 5 hours."
This is probably the worst. Being restless is hard enough as it is, but a set time frame for recharging makes it harder. Tasks are hard to do under pressure, including those as simple as falling asleep (and staying asleep).
5. "Just scroll yourself to sleep"
Accepting defeat seems to be how this always goes. After trying what seems like everything, rolling over and grabbing your phone to scroll through Twitter for the billionth time is just how the cards fold.