We all know the phenomenon known as resting mean face (yes I'm using the PG term lol), but there's a real group of young women who are getting overlooked; those with resting nice face. Resting nice face is when your natural, resting face just exudes friendliness and happiness and flowers and puppies. Now those with resting mean face are probably saying, "Boohoo, people think you're friendly? Cry me a river!" But really we do face issues that others don't face at all because of being blessed with a perpetually nice face.
Everyone asks you for directions.
I'm a terrible navigator and struggle to follow Apple maps let alone a paper map, yet every time I'm out and about in a very tourist-y area some very lost visitors will ask me how to get somewhere. I try my best to help but usually I am just as lost as they are.
People don't believe you when you're mad.
No, like I'm pissed off. I don't know why I look happy and okay when I'm frustrated but I'm not. I promise.
Trying to look fierce is a struggle.
Everyone does great Instas with all their friends mugging it but when you try to do the same you still look "cute."
This happens to me every time I board a plane. EVERY TIME. I usually just want to sleep or read a book but I somehow get sucked into talking to the person next to me about the family vacation they just took.
Teachers call on you or ask you to volunteer.
No, just because I look happy and engaged to be in this 8 a.m. doesn't mean I actually am. It's just my face.
People are surprised when you get competitive or sassy.
Sorry not sorry, my attitude doesn't match this smile that's painted on.
Your cheeks hurt.
At the end of the day you don't even realize how much you smiled, but your cheeks are aching.
However, despite these #struggles, you love that people feel you are easy to approach, and wouldn't want it any other way.