If you work at a restaurant or have ever worked at a restaurant, you will know these all too well. Sure, you interact with awesome people on a daily basis, but there are always the ones who just make you want to quit time and time again.
Before working at a restaurant, I didn't even stop to think of half of the issues waiters, waitresses, chefs, hosts, and hostesses have to go through. It really is eye opening, and now I'm so much more conscientious about leaving a mess or being picky about where I'm being sat. I tend to tip a lot more and care less about the little things. I think it should be mandatory for everyone to work at a restaurant at least once in their life. Feel free to be a hostess on a Friday, a server on a Saturday, and a server assistant on a Sunday; it's hell.
Here's a couple of restaurant problems you would face.
When someone asks you what time you get out of work...
Me: Sometime after I get cut.
Them: So what time?
Complicated guests.
When a hostess asks you where you want to sit and how many people are dining with you, PLEASE be honest. You can't have three people in your party now and four more coming to meet you in 20 minutes. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!
Four or less = table/booth. Five to eight = two tables. Nine or more = table extenders and annoying work. 15+ = Just leave, leave my restaurant right now.
When people don't read the menu...
You literally have a menu right under your face and you're still gonna ask? Uhm...okay.
When people don't answer the question you're asking...
When a hostess says, "hello, welcome, how many?" Don't you dare reply with booth.
When a server says "hello, how's it going today?" Don't reply with your drink order.
When people don't remember that they're just guests...
Actually customers aren't always right either, but seriously, I'm just trying to do my job. So if you could help me out by not being rude, that would be nice. You know, just a thought.
What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen.
This one pretty much speaks for itself.
When you're asked to split the check...
Why must you make our lives so complicated?
When the guests aren't paying attention...
Please help us out here.
What's a food runner?
Runners to the back! Everybody run away!
Dealing with children.
I'm sorry, I really don't feel like wasting my time on your free water and appetizer, I've got bills to pay. And I know you're not gonna tip.
Picky guests.
No, you will sit in the table I already cleaned or clean the new table yourself! Except not really. I'll take you over to a different table. But I will hate you the entire way.
The booth lovers.
And no, you cannot fit your party of seven in a four-person booth. Go away now.
Trying to keep your composure.
Honey, please tell your mom to stop sending you to the host stand to ask me if you can change what she originally told me before I wipe off this smile and share with her my strongly opinionated comments. Okay? *Barbie smile*
Overly impatient guests.
Guest: We've been waiting for two hours, this is ridiculous.
My thoughts: It's been 17 minutes. Please calm down.
Working a weekend.
Doubles, doubles, and more doubles.
The daily rush.
Guests: There are like, nine open tables.
Me: Sir, there are people ahead of you.
Guest: This is ridiculous, I'm leaving.
Me: Okay bye, enjoy waiting the same amount of time at any other restaurant in town because it's a Saturday night.
This horrible uniform...
I just never understood why we had to wear black instead of jeans and a t-shirt like the lucky kids across the street.
THOSE regulars.
They think they know everything, and no server wants them seated in their section. Ever.
Guests who can't annunciate.
Stacy? Macy? Something like that.
When people come in right before closing.
Why do you hate me? GET OUT OF HERE!
When guests do this...
PLEASE TIP! They work too hard to be getting less than 20 percent.
Wanting to quit so many times.
So accurate.
If you work at a restaurant, please share! Maybe more people will learn how to be a good guest.