Rest days in college are not just for taking a day off from exercising. Rest days are meant for giving yourself a mental break. Giving it a time to not think about things that need to be done. Not thinking about that paper that is due at 11:59 p.m. in three days.
Long hours coupled with demanding to-do lists are enough to make anyone feel exhausted. Research shows that work is one of the leading causes of stress... at least for me. Workplace burnout can become a serious issue if it’s not addressed properly, which is why taking a day for yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed or bogged down more than usual is a good thing.
During the week, a person faces mental, physical, and emotional stressors. A student has to study for countless exams, write papers, exercise for sports teams, socialize with friends, and still manage to show up on time. While this can sometimes be easy, there are definitely more difficult weeks, and the midterm season is kind of the worst. Most of my weekends recently have become self-care focused, and while wearing a face-mask and eating a brownie can make a day better, there are definitely times when the whole day needs to be a break, instead of just an hour.
Taking rest days or breaks are like oxygen for your brain. You’re giving your mind a chance to decompress, which research shows can help boost your productivity in the long run. In other words, you’re essentially helping your company by taking a day off.
Ultimately, mental health days allow you to unplug from your classes and refocus on the more important things. Taking a day off can make you a happier and a healthier student. Of course, mental health days do not cure everything that you may be going through, but they are pleasant. In other words, it gives you the opportunity to recharge your batteries.
So, take that rest day and focus on yourself and work on your self love.