As an upcoming college freshman and someone who's just beginning adulthood, I've thought a lot about how the future me will end up; from being a fast-food restaurant worker to a billionaire with a successful career to a freelancer out to explore the world. However, with dreaming big, our responsibilities grow bigger too, the responsibility for our family, friends, people around us, the country, the world, and even ourselves.
Ever since we were born, we held the responsibility to become something great one day and help build the world a better place. When we were still kids, we were responsible for behaving even though most of the time we didn't and not holding ourselves responsible for the consequences we've committed. We became students with the responsibility to learn and put that knowledge to good use. They taught us how to think beyond ourselves and dream bigger than we could. In the near future, as we become adults, we find ourselves stranded by responsibilities from different things that we never thought of when we were kids. However is all this responsibility that we get good for us?
Being a graduating high school senior, I had the honor of going through numerous student life pressures and meet anxiety and fear almost every day in my life. From schoolwork to social life to family, I became packed with responsibilities that I didn't ask for. I learn and grew out of fear that I'm not capable of catching up to everyone else's standards, scared that I would disappoint those that ever believed in me; I felt responsible for my learning, responsible for bearing so much knowledge that my teachers spent hours trying to put in my mind, and felt disappointed in myself for not utilizing this knowledge for good.
Many of my friends broke under this immense weight of responsibility of being a student, often times resulting in depression, wariness, fear, and all the other good negative mentality traits. Even when we aren't students, we play the role as a member of the society, a member of our family, or as a human and we're constantly under the pressure of responsibility. When I'm not doing anything and just surfing the web or watching YouTube videos I feel terrible for not doing anything "productive".
Needless to say, responsibility has played a major role in giving all of us unnecessary pressure. Whether it's the past, present, or future, as long as we are alive, we get burdened by responsibilities. Some people learn to coop with it by distracting themselves with other fun things in life like friends, family, and entertain. Some deal with it by things that allow them to forget about responsibilities like marijuana or alcohol. Some are strong and just learn to deal with it which I really respect them for that. Responsibility is always there 24/7 whether you want it or not; it makes us worry things we shouldn't be so concerned about, fear about tomorrow when you have today, and acts as a black hole that sucks up all the fun in life and throws back up negativity that no one wants.
But is that all responsibility is? Just an endless bane that seeks to make life miserable? Imagine a world where people had no sense of responsibility, a world where people don't fear what they do because they don't care what happens. Such a world would cease to exist because before we know it some mad scientist would blow up the entire planet just for the fun of it. Responsibility puts us in check, makes sure that we are reasonable and logical as humans are.
Think of responsibility like the law, if no one follows the law, the nation would be endangered, if no one is being responsible, humanity would be endangered. It's fair to say that part of being human is being responsible and whenever someone says "i don't care", it degrades them to something that's not logical and unworthy of being called a human.
So, in the end, is responsibility something good or bad? I'd say it's a good thing with consequences just like any food item you eat; too much of a good thing and it's gonna be bad.