15 Reasons Why Not to be Pro-Choice | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons Why Not to be Pro-Choice

Pro-Choice is a narcissistic illusion that devalues all human dignity.

15 Reasons Why Not to be Pro-Choice

I've read the articles and had 'the conversations.' We should all recognize ourselves as abortion survivors in light of the availability and support of abortion in our world. You could have been aborted, what then? Do you feel your life is so trivial that another should be able to casually decide to abort you at any stage in your life? We have given women this right when we support pro-choice.

I recently read an article declaring 15 reasons to be pro-choice. I can give you just as many reasons why that is a very scary idea and even a horrific theology.

1--To say you are pro-choice because reproductive rights are basic human rights is gross negligence to the human capacity to exercise logic and weigh consequences for every action. Yes, we have and ought to have reproductive rights. And that is why we have plenty of choices to avoid pregnancy, from plain and simple behaviors such as abstinence to various forms of birth control and sexual foreplay. As human beings, we are separate from the lower, reactionary animal kingdom in that we can look creatively at many different options in how we go about our lives and dictate our futures. We can use logical forethought to see how one decision might affect other decisions in our lives, and how one action can determine other actions in our outcome. We can take control of our destinies by looking ahead at how all our thoughts, decisions, and behaviors can affect our very lives. Like all creatures on this planet, we can also be held accountable for our actions. Pro-choice attempts to remove all accountability from the equation. Pro-choice says that playing God (determining the life and death of another life) is purely trivial and a right for us to have power over, allowing each to go after the lusts of the flesh and always have the option to erase or abort the outcome of our actions. It is quite naive and grossly nazism to think that the ability to create life should be callously demoralized under the dressing of women's rights to their own bodies. Of course, we should have rights to our own bodies, but never at the expense of another, lest we become a nation like that of China forcing women to have abortions as well as castrating many and seizing the additional children (often the females) from families in a national effort to curb population. If we give women the right to determine the value of life, what is to stop us from giving families the right to 'abort' the lives of any defenseless child or elderly person deemed to have no value or desired contribution to the family? We are a legal nation that develops legal matters on the basis of rights written into laws and past supported cases; It is quite naive and blind to think the right to end life will remain in the woman's womb if we give her that much power to decide the future lives of humanity, calling it a "reprehensible and violent attempt to control her body" when she has decided to take no control or responsibility over her body in the first place. No. It is sheer cold narcissistice egotism that stands behind the shallow prop of women's right to their own bodies after they themselves make choices that lead to their own consequences. But don't misunderstand me by thinking this is the entire platform to stand on against pro-choice. What might seem over-simplistic reasoning here will be maturely developed and expanded on with fourteen more. What moral depravity rooted by the left wants to put a band-aid over, should be addressed at the societal level to bring order and peace to all humanity, not just the select in their attempt to free themselves from all responsibility or accountability, let alone empathy and respect for all human beings.

2-To say you are pro-choice because sex is a natural aspect of human life is to say, again, that the nature of sex is the excuse to abort when the nature of sex has always been to sustain life by creating life. I agree that we are being religious regulators if we say that all sex must create life, but the nature of sex has always been is pro-life down to its natural design of being a powerfully attractive and very enjoyable activity! Any other way of looking at it without using proper prevention and taking responsible caution with yourself will quite naturally lead to the probable miracle of creating life. Every woman, and man for that matter, should soberly consider this. Yet, pro-choice positions itself to ignore and make excuses against the natural reality that sex does promote the creation of life and negates all accountability for such, in likeness to a child splurging on candy and then complaining of a bellyache believing this is unjust and unfair.

3--To say you are pro-choice because contraception is frequently unavailable is to say one wrong choice should be casually pardoned by another wrong choice. Again, we are dismissing all human and moral responsibility for our body by demanding each woman be allowed full control of the life of all humanity and decency by aborting the consequence of their own actions that has caused personal inconvenience . While contraception may not be preferred by the Pope, all forms of contraceptives should be generously available to protect life from the self-indulgent from masterminding ghastly irreverent acts against humanity. Surely, the lesser of two evils is to protect life by preventing the creation of it by those who don't want it. If sex means so much to a woman that she will get an abortion repeatedly, one can only hope for her to embrace the human capacity of empathy to consider sterilization over the serial killing of her every fetus or third-trimester baby.

4--To say you are pro-choice because 'bodily autonomy' is a basic human right, then you are also denying the very responsibility to be accountable for the consequences of your body. If I choose not to get vaccinated for COVID-19, then I must consider my vulnerability to contracting COVID-19 and take alternative preventive actions in order to keep myself healthy. Plain and simple, we are either responsible and accountable for our bodies and the consequences therein, or we are defiant to taking full responsibility. Once you have allowed a second life to be created in your womb, you are now responsible for the care of that life. Or are you so arrogantly callous to think the same natural elements that led to your own life are not relevant to the right of life of others if it causes you any preferential inconveniences? Murderers are charged for intent based on their pattern of behavior, are women with an unwanted pregnancy immune to being measured the same according to their own intent based on their pattern of behavior?

5--To say you are pro-choice because you support the mental health and well-being of women is, again, to say you are against taking any humanly ethical responsibility for the consequences of ill-planned behavior. This mindset is in the likeness of reducing oneself to an animal who might eat her young the first time she gives birth, having had no clue that the alleycat who pounced on her was going to lead her down this heinous path. To think it is perfectly acceptable to abort as one sees fit, is to remove all well-being of mental health, is it not? I agree with the author of the article supporting pro-choice when she said "pregnancy is not a purely physical experience." It is very emotionally taxing on a woman, as is the murder of her baby should be also. It is in the promotion of personal well-being, in the cultivation of human empathy and a sense of personal responsibility and self-worth that supports the mental health of women; not the conditioning of the illusion of gross freedom to do what you want without any sense of ownership for the consequences. Character strength is only built with the endurance of taking responsibility for one's thoughts, choices, and actions; human character is vanquished when consequences are aborted.

6--To say you are pro-choice because "it is time for men to stop dictating the actions of women" is irrelevant when choosing to do heinous acts against humanity. We should have the right to say "NO" to sex with someone we are not remotely interested in becoming pregnant with (given the nature of sex discussed above). We should have the right to protection against unwanted advances by men and laws that protect women from male dominance. Legislation should promote male responsibility, should it not? And what of the innocent man who had no ill intent with the woman who has decided to discontinue a healthy yet unwanted pregnancy? Doesn't he have mutual rights to the life he participated in creating? Too often our humanity is thrown out the window by thoughtless behavior, ill-planning, and lack of sharing our intent towards producing offspring before we engage sexually with another. If it were women who were being forced to abort based on the desire or will of men, then this debate would be derailed by the urge of women to protest the rape of not only their bodies but also the right to life within their wombs. Flip the sexes yet again to adopt empathy to see it from the man's position and we stumble yet again, over the illusion that there is sanity in "pro-choice" As far as unfair representation, many women who are in political power have not had an abortion and in many cases don't even have children, so it is not wise to suggest positions are supported by fair representation but by ethical and moral codes to the value of life. What is ultimately wrong or right, is not merely subjective to the attitudes within a life experience. Even so, I too have been gratefully prostrate on the ground to thank my God for not letting me get pregnant in terrible times with terrible men; but that said, I should never be offered an abortion as if I were sampling one of the 31 flavors at Baskin Robins.

7--To say you are pro-choice because pregnancy and childbirth is a massive financial undertaking is so undescribably like the nazi arrogant mindset that declared it was right to annihilate any race, creed, color, mindset, handicap, or sexual proclivity deemed an unvalued citizen who did not contribute to the society the select few desires. YES, pregnancy and childbirth can be a massive financial undertaking, but that never stopped the poor from loving their children. There are too many ways or options that prevent pregnancy in the first place that are responsible and considerate human behaviors, but putting the knife to kill in the hands of an inconvenienced woman is not one of them. YES, we must create a government that protects women as well as the life of their babies. YES, we must create government programs that help women bridge financial gaps or prevent unwanted pregnancies from arising in the firt place. The woman, also, must take it upon herself to have the self-respect and ethical character to be responsible to prevent unwanted pregnancies, rather than pretend to be ignorant of what has happened to her over a quick impulse to take a roll with some loser who she already knew would never take financial responsibility for possibly creating a child in their short-lived rendezvous.

8--To say you are pro-choice because there are too many orphaned children in the world is to say these children have no innate value. Are we to kill them in the womb so that we don't have to deal with or see them in an orphanage? What is to stop us from just killing them now? Again, we the people should demand that our nation and city governments protect by prevention, rather than annihilation at any stage of the game. Our sense of humanity should be flourishing on the steps of our future generations by loving the ones we have and preventing unwanted ones from ever being created in the first place. This should not be a debate on what we deem trash to be thrown away; this should be a debate over most effective prevention methods and creative programs to counter reckless behavior and “mistakes” with supportive care and promoting human conscious and sense of responsibility for the welfare of our future generations, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; wholistically towards a higher level of existence, rather than a lower one in the animal kingdom.

9--To say you are pro-choice because a woman's sexual, health, and reproductive choices are none of your business is an ignorant blanket comment that continues to promote lack of awareness, consciousness, ethics, and responsibility to protect, heal and grow our society into people of enlightenment and beauty, rather than those with no sense of value towards all life on this planet. We are all inter-connected, and to turn a cold shoulder towards the depraved and sexually reckless who kill their young is leading us into a downward spiral towards Nazism. Disclaimer: I am only responding to the grossly general comment by the author of the article I read, addressed in the beginning of this paragraph. There are still six more of her reasons to be pro-abortion that I've yet to cover. Hopefully, her latter points will reflect more substance in her thinking.

10--To say you are pro-choice because teenage pregnancy is still incredibly prevalent is yet again, to place a nasty bandage over the top of a serious wound called human depravity and devalued ethics. Of course, teenage pregnancy is going to remain prevalent if we do not take responsibility to educate our youth better and provide better programs for providing emotional support to young girls who do not value their very own lives to make better decisions and planning for their futures; learning to love themselves and share better contributions into the communities they are growing up in. Making bigger mistakes that place either terrible guilt on fragile hearts or turn one callous and uncaring towards the sanctity of life and their own self-worth as a blessing to the world rather than a curse is not the answer.

11--To say you are pro-choice because the US still lacks quality sex-education is still a shallow grave being dug up to place our annihilated youth, rather that addressing and working towards a positive cure for this epidemic of devaluing life and denying our better conscience. How anyone can think becoming a stone-cold killers is the answer to our corrupt, dysfunctional, and toxic world is totally ludicrous. It is apparent that pro-choice movement and Planned Parenthood making a lucrative business out of terminating pregnancies is a cry for help, a scream to the depravity of our societal norms, with government lack of healthy priorities established in its communities.

12--To say you are pro-choice because you support freedom of religion is a dangerously underestimated comment and attitude. What of the religions that support animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, and the drinking of blood? My point is, to say our government does and should support freedom of religion by protecting the practices of matured religions that have certain holidays and devoted days restraining its followers from work or other general activities participated in by the norm. To protect as well as respect those who wear head covers or require specific time away from work to practice their religion is one thing. It is entirely another to allow new quasi-religions to practice what is not constitutional in our country or go against the laws that protect all humans. Acts against humanity are not to ever be tolerated, no matter the religious slant. It is a sad philosophy that devalues life for personal conveniences.

13--To say you are pro-choice because illegal and unsafe abortions should never be the last resort is absurd, because no matter what is provided, semantically speaking' 'illegal unsafe abortions' will always be the 'last resort' --or the first resort for those who feel they must protect their ego by doing it under the radar so that no one knows about it, or because they cannot afford to seek better medical help at the time. Many cases are published where a teenaged girl aborted by hiding pregnancy with oversized clothes and then suffocating and throwing away her delivered baby born in the privacy of her own car, bedroom, or parking lot. Our mindset that aborting is good let alone acceptable has led to downright murder by not allowing babies a first or second breath after birth.

14--To say you are pro-choice because you believe abortion is not equivalent to murder demonstrates one to be completely oblivious to biology and fully lacking in empathy for humanity. Yes, it is so obviously due to our politically conditioned numbness that we've adopted the belief that a baby is not a baby if it doesn’t have a fully developed brain; and that has led to the belief that it is not a live baby because the baby is not yet born and drawn it's first breath, therefore developing the idea of the grueling heinous act of shredding the baby to pieces while still in the womb. We are now at the point of taking scissors to the back of the baby's head to kill it before fully removing it from the cervix, legally associating that as not murder! Where does it end? Where do we draw the line and finally say this is just plain wrong?

15--To say you are pro-choice because you support the empowerment and advancement of women is erroneous on so many levels. A—shall we start with no discipline in healthy boundaries and self-love? B—what about lack of responsibility for self or accountability of good character example for the human race? C—Promiscuity, lack of will or sound mind in directing the steps of her life, or sheer ignorance to owning the consequences of her actions? Where in promoting life only to kill it is there any sign of empowerment and advancement for women. No, this is more like egotistic narcissism and self-indulgence like that of a dog in heat rather than the advancement of women. Sorry…not sorry. Again, I bring up the disclaimer that I am only responding to the article of the author who blasted out her self-centered callous and naïve 15 rather weak points of why she is pro-choice. I will spare her the humiliation of citing her article.

My reason, added as the sixteenth reason, to not be pro-choice is because life decisions are made every day by healthcare providers following the creed to "Do No Harm" saving women from life-threatening pregnancies, as well as saving babies from the wombs of unhealthy mothers. Rape victims are given the morning after pill and scraped for evidence as well as prevention of a potential unwanted pregnancy. We waste too much money and hurt too many women emotionally as well as physically by trying to professionally remove later developed fetuses and second or third trimester babies from the mother’s womb. To think all this isn't breeding more harm than good is plain ignorance or naivety no different that of dreaming everyone would practice sexual purity. Both extremes are totally absurd and scream for better care and direction to be provided in effort to increase our value of life and the existence of all human beings rather than discarding those we choose are not valuable.

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