Last Friday, the United Nations passed a resolution against Israel. The United States is the country that finalized this resolution, which was almost dropped completely. I was hurt by my country because Israel is also a home to me. I love both countries equally and I want to respond to the actions taken by the UN and the US.
I believe that the United States has no right to condemn Israel because as much as Israel flaws, Israel does wonderful things. People claim that Israel treats Arab citizens as second-class, but all CITIZENS are treated equally. The United States has actually had laws against people of color before the 1960's. Yes, certain Israeli citizens face discrimination, but so do women, people of color, Muslims, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities in the United States.
Israel has also offered land fairly occupied during wars (that they did not start) back for peace already. It seems unreasonable to say Israel should give up more when they are only 1/800th of the Middle East. The UN contributes by giving Palestinian refugees a different definition than all other refugees in the world, while Israel tries its best to help refugees from Africa and the Middle East. And the Palenstian refugees from the 1948 war were offered citizenship, but very few took it.
I am saddened because my country, and the UN, overlook facts about Israel and history. Instead of spending so much time condemn a country that does so much for the world, both should try to help those in need and work with Israel. The United States lost a very important ally and also has helped the world take a step backward for peace.
This article is written on behalf of StandWithUs, and all facts were provided from StandWithUs. To learn more check out