Response To 'You Cannot Be A Christian And Say That Your Homosexuality Is Acceptable To God'
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Response To 'You Cannot Be A Christian And Say That Your Homosexuality Is Acceptable To God'

Maybe there's a different plan for all of us.

Response To 'You Cannot Be A Christian And Say That Your Homosexuality Is Acceptable To God'

So it has come to my attention that someone posted talking about how you can't be a Christian and gay at the same time (essentially). Let me just give some background about myself really quick. I attended a Christian school from kindergarten through fourth grade. We learned scriptures, Christian morals, songs; all the fun stuff. But the one thing they never stopped preaching to us? "God loves you as you are because he made you this way." Unless you're gay, of course. God just screwed up in that sense. But hey, why not put you into this world anyway, and have you live a life of confusion, discrimination, and constant hate, only to die and go to hell in the end? That sounds pretty contradictive to me.

A sin, from what I can recall, is basically any intentional act that goes against religious morals. Being gay, however, isn't a decision. It's just who you are. Do you really think a 7-year-old woke up one morning and decided "Hey, I think I'll be gay for the rest of my life; my religion goes against it, my parents won't condone it, and I'll basically be bullied and discriminated for the rest of my life. Yep, sounds like the life for me!"

No. Despite how some may word it as "choosing to be gay," it's not a choice. It's just who you are. It's just how your brain is wired. It just happens. All over the entire world, in fact. For centuries of human existence.

In this article, "You Cannot Be A Christian And Say That Your Homosexuality Is Acceptable To God," the writer talks about how homosexuality is just as hated as stealing is. No matter the gravity of either case. However, if that really is the case, why not write about "stealing?" Or "dishonesty?" Or bash on other religions just as you bash on homosexuality? Oh yeah, because there's that simple, basic, Christian, human moral that teaches you to "love thy neighbor" and to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," the glorious Golden Rule we are all taught from the moment we were first given the ability to spew hateful and dividing words at each other. But hey, if they're gay, let's forget about that. Let's cite this one verse that disses on homosexuality as an excuse, even though we're practically teaching our children to offer unconditional love to everyone they meet in life.

One thing you also shouldn't do when you're ranting about how all gay people are sinners, and they're going to hell: "I don't hate LGBTQ people.", here's the thing, if you explicitly say: "...there is nothing okay with the LGBT community," you're already as contradictive as the "God loves you because he made you the way you are...unless you're gay" argument. And for the love of God, literally, please don't validate your step-back on bashing on the LGBT community by saying: "I have gay and lesbian friends. I don't hate the LGBT community." Trust me, chances are, those friends disappeared as soon as that article was posted. Seriously, that's like saying, "I'm not racist, all my friends are black" or "I'm not sexist, all my friends are women." Just because you're "friends" with someone, doesn't "prove" that you've suddenly "accepted" their unchosen lifestyle.

I go through enough confusion and backlash because of the life I "chose" to live. So much to the point where I have drawn back a little on Christianity. I've seen its contradictions throughout my life and I just can't stand it. If you're Christian, I don't care. It's your right to believe. According to the bible, your free will is offered in order for you to believe in God with your whole heart. I respect that. But what I will not respect is you turning a blind eye to this blatant point of contradiction, and use it to preach judgment and hate to those who do not follow what you do. Another blatant point of contradiction of mainstream Christianity lies in the scripture Luke 6:37. Matthew 7:1-5. John 8:1-8 Is an interesting short story on how Jesus views the act of judgment. In this scripture, it tells how a woman who had committed adultery was brought forth to Jesus. Men were citing the law of Moses claiming that the right punishment would be to stone her. Jesus however, took a step back and said that whoever is without sin, they may throw the first stone. No one is in any position to cast judgment on to anyone unless you are God (which you aren't) if you really want to get technical. Oh look, the Golden Rule once again stated in depth in Luke 6:31-36. Verses 34-36 in particular are rather interesting.

I also went further down your Odyssey page to look at your past articles. The one about you not allowing your children to be transgender? That was a kicker. It's funny because you think that's a choice. Then shortly after, you made a post about how you were feeling attacked because of the reactions to the post you made about the topic you did. You also passively bragged about it going "viral" and believe probably didn't go viral for the reasons you would like to think.

Here's something you can learn from all of this "attacking" criticism you are receiving because of your posts: 1. Know that everything you post, there's going to be some people who are going to push back. 2. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Because believe me, nothing you said was at the least bit kind. Which is kind of funny, because isn't that what Christianity is all about? Unconditional love for a more accepting and loving society? 3. Think of your friends. How will they react to all of this? Friendships might become stronger...or they'll just simply shut out and you'll never encounter them again.

So I'm going to forgive you for what you posted about the LGBTQ community. Because that's how I was raised in the Christian setting. In an event where you'll need help, ask and I will do what I can. Because that's how I was raised in the Christian setting. I'm going to invoke the golden rule for you. I will do all of this for you. But you ask, "Why, though? You're going to hell. Why be nice like this?" Well, what if God has a different plan for me?For all of us? Did you think of that? God has been around for a very long time. And like time, things change. Plans change. Morals change. Maybe this is a test God has put forth for us? We don't seem to be doing very well. But hey, let's live by morals that say it's okay to stone a married woman (who wasn't a virgin prior to marriage) on the front porch of her father's house. Yeah, that makes sense.

Oh wait, is that suddenly not okay to do? Hmm...

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