Recently, an article was posted unveiling some real life photos entailing two parents who had been pulled over by police after they had been swerving. After pulling them over, police realized that they were barely conscious and called for EMS. EMS immediately administered Narcan and saved their lives. However, they had also been driving with their four year old boy in the backseat - risking not only their lives, but their son, and everyone on the road that day.
An uproar formed due to the picture that was released in this article. When posted the police stated that they were sorry for the photos, but wanted the non-drug using public to see what they face as well as what this world is facing. Many people claimed to be highly offended by the photos. One person even stated, "I'm about to introduce you to the two worst parents ever." Which to be honest can be used to some up their decision to drive and use drugs especially with their son, but also with potentially harming anyone on the road. However, this decision does not make them the worst parents ever. They could be awesome parents who happen to have a problem and need to get help. Yes, it was an awful situation, but, that doesn't sum up their entire life or being until that point.
My opinion on this matter? No one clearly knows what they are talking about.
We as humans often judge one another. We see an outfit we don't like and we get disgusted, we see someone we don't like and automatically talk about them. We are all only human, but that is exactly the point. We need to realize that when people start to use drugs, another person is gained - the addict. There are two people now, not just one. Yes, they made a choice to do drugs. However, that does not make them any less human. And that for sure does not make them any less worthy of this life. There are so many that view an addict as a "low life." They don't have to be any sort of "low life" to be an addict. They don't have to be anything. We see what we want to see. They got hooked on something terrible and now they need help more than anything. They need help. Help. Not pointless judgments, horrible words, and disgusted faces staring at them. Not to mention, articles about how, in this case, how they are such terrible parents.
And to be quite honest, if you haven't been in their shoes or have ever loved someone who has, then you have no room to talk. People often talk because they have nothing better to so and if that is the case, then you are living your life horribly. Go to the gym, write, draw, anything other than talk about other people.
For me, I am an EMT and I have loved an addict. I have experience first hand what it truly is like to be an addict. I have been their to see them revived with Narcan and I have been there when the love of my life destroyed every bit of good in their life just to shoot up one last time. I have been there and seen it all.
I stand right by the police who decided to post this picture of those who overdosed with their four year old in the backseat. The picture should not offend people because it is reality. It is the depiction of what our world has come to. Would it offend you if a picture of a tree was posted? No. Then why should this? Yes, it is a horrible picture and a tragic event, but it is simply, reality. Way too many peoples lived are being taken from us. Posting this picture is showing you just how bad it is getting.
Hopefully this picture can turn a few lives around or even prevent more people from doing drugs.
Grow up. Get a life. Stop judging. Face reality. And most importantly, get your heads out of the gutters. Instead of using your pointless judgmental words, use your time to help someone in need.
To the police that posted those photos - you rock. Thanks for sharing a picture worth a thousand words. One day we will be free from heroin.