Many of you know about the recent social media outrage here at Kansas State University. And for those who don’t know, there was a previous student who posted a picture on Snapchat with what seemed to be a black facial mask on with a very derogatory caption that offended people all around the nation.
The picture was then leaked on twitter and, in just a few hours, people all over America were talking about it. People then started calling out the university itself for being racist. I completely agree on the fact that the photo was extremely wrong and offensive and the girl definitely deserves whatever punishment she gets. But, I do want to let everyone know that this girl does not define this university. Kansas State has impeccable values. I really admired how fast the authorities and leadership here responded to the situation. They explained that what happened crossed many lines and went against K-State values. They also stated that there would be many counselors available to help those who felt hurt and offended. This is the Kansas State that I know and love. When something goes wrong, counselors here come together to make extra available times to help the students who were affected. They take action immediately and give consequences to those who don't live up to the K-State values.
Please don't let one hateful (previous) student define an entire university. K-State is actually known for having one of the happiest and most friendly campuses. There’s a reason we call ourselves one big K-State family because it really does feel like one. The students here are genuine and caring. Even just little things, like giving someone directions on how to get to class; I even had random people on multiple occasions that actually walked with me all the way to my class just to make sure I knew how to get there next time. I see students holding the door for other people daily and you’re guaranteed to see hundreds of smiley faces when you walk through campus.
To be a Wildcat here means to be kind. To be generous, thoughtful, honest, respectful, and helpful. It’s being a leader. It’s being open-minded and non-judgmental. It’s being courteous of other people's feelings. The girl who posted the photo isn’t a true Wildcat. But for those of us who are, let's make sure to help those who were hurt by this. Let them know we’re here and we stand with them. We should want everyone to feel loved and safe here. Let’s live up to the K-State values and the name of being one of the happiest campuses. I’m proud to call this place not only my home but my family. I hope you are, too.