First let me just say that yes, I have been in love. It was magical and wonderful and yes, he was my best friend. That being said, I also had my real best friends. I had my best friends to call excitedly when he showed up with roses for no reason other than to tell me he loved me and I had my best friends when my world came crashing down when we broke up. The truth is, I'm not sure where or who I'd be right now if I had completely chosen my boyfriend over my best friends. I'm not saying you and your boyfriend will break up, nor do I sit around wishing that you do. I'm merely pointing out that if you do, who will you turn to then? Why only choose your boyfriend? Why not choose both your boyfriend and your friends?
I generally do not choose to throw up in a toilet after taking 10 too many shots of vodka each Friday night, like you stated in your article. Usually, I'm shopping with my friends, telling secrets, being weird, eating food, exploring and being my true self with my friends. Even when I am standing over the toilet because I accidentally had too many shots, I can guarantee my friends are there to take care of me (whether they have a boyfriend or not) and it has nothing to do with the fact that I chose to do that over hanging out with my boyfriend.
I'm not sure when we put ourselves into this culture of shaming others because they are the type of girl who likes to go out or who likes to stay in or who's single or who's in a relationship. I enjoy going out with my friends just as much as I enjoy staying in with my boyfriend and I have plenty of friends who do both as well. At least 4 of my best friends have boyfriends and they come out with me occasionally but if it's not fun for them we still hang out regularly. The fact of the matter is, yes if you choose your boyfriend over me a few too many times, I will start to choose other friends over you. Those other friends will not just be my "party girls" or the girls I get wasted with every weekend. Those girls will be the sisters I never had, helping me walk down the aisle down to my dream man. And after I'm married and I have kids, I know for a fact they will be blessed with several "aunties" who will love them just as they would their own family.
Can you say the same?