Let me start out first by saying, I have a great deal of respect for the people I know who voted for Hillary Clinton, as well as those who voted for Donald Trump (and I guess Harambe, but that’s another issue??). I think our nation is full of intelligent, kind people who want the best for this country and all those who inhabit it. This being said, I have witnessed more hatred and outrage than I have ever seen in my 21 years of living when America saw the results of this election.
I am not the person to sit here and shove my opinion about either candidate down your throat. What’s done is done, Donald Trump will soon hold the most highly honored position of power one can obtain in our country. After this was announced the entire population, per usual, took to social media as an outlet of their joy, or devastation. In the hours after this occurring, I honestly saw things being said and done that blew my mind. Angry protesters burning the American flag and asking what they should tell their children about the outcome of this election? I can not fathom burning something as sacred to our nation as the American flag. A symbol of our freedom, that signifies the courage and integrity of so many who have given their lives so that we can live the type of life that we have become so accustomed to. On another hand, I can not imagine telling a child anything other than to work on becoming a decent person, one who is compassionate and respectful of everyone they come in contact with, regardless of their race, sexual orientation or religion.
Our great nation has overcome larger than life obstacles in an attempt to make The United States of America like no place else. In so many aspects we have accomplished this and made groundbreaking progress. And I hope the man I voted for will prove to be a great president to those who were in favor of him being elected, and those who still doubt him. However, there is still so much work to be done to improve the lives of the people of this country. Hating president-elect, Donald Trump and doing everything in your power to make it known isn’t going to make the changes you want to see. He is our future president and we have to accept and respect that. Being hateful and blaming people who voted for the person they saw most fit to run the country isn’t going to make Clinton president. Both candidates can agree on one thing, that this is a time to come together and help change The United States for the better.