So, I read this article, and I honestly hate calling other writers out, but... excuse my French for a moment, what the hell is this about?
Growing up with my daddy taking me out and opening doors for me has never impeded me from being a strong, independent woman. In fact, he is the one man who showed me my worth.
Daddy-daughter dates are NOT "incestual" as the article states, and I'd argue that it's actually the exact opposite. My daddy showed me what it means to be feminine and rock it in a male-dominated society. He showed me respect by taking me out to "Star Wars" showings and playing video games with me. He put a gun in my hands and taught me how to defend myself from the monsters of this world. He was the one to teach me to conquer my fears by myself and not rely on someone else. He taught me and showed me how to be strong for not only myself, but for others as well.
He was also the one who taught me how to support my friends. He was at every soccer game, every strings recital, and every pageant that I competed. He was the one who I went to for advice when I had an interview and taught me that a firm handshake not only shows confidence, but that you're not intimidated by the person who is interviewing you.
My daddy-daughter dates not only ended wth my father, but I had them with my grandfather as well. He took me to NASCAR races and taught me how to hoot and holler with the rednecks and how to get on my knees and pray on Sunday morning alongside him and my father. He taught me not to only go by what the church is cramming down your throat because they can be corrupted, but to always look for your own interpretation and not be able to call out your authorities when they are doing something unethical.
I was taught that a man will make a CVS midnight run for you while you're curled up in a ball because of period cramps and get you pads or tampons. I was taught that being a female is a great thing that is to be cherished, not something to be objectified. The daddy-daughter dates that I went on showed me that I worth so much more than what society dictates as feminism. It taught me that I am an equal to men, not superior, not inferior, but I am valued as a human being, not only for my mind, but for my spirit as well.
But the most important thing that both my Papa and my Daddy taught me is that it's okay to break down and admit when you're wrong and get down on your knees to repent for your sins. My Daddy was the one who prayed with me to accept Jesus in my life. They showed me to be humble and accept my faults and that being a princess is great and all, but wouldn't I rather be the queen of my own life?
Daddy-daughter dates aren't demeaning, nor do they show young girls that they are docile creatures who must submit to men. Because, quite frankly, screw that logic. I was taught to be my own person and never submit to anything that I don't agree with and I definitely don't agree that spending time with your dad one on one is gross or wrong.
Going on these dates shows love. It shows appreciation. It shows girls that they are valued and to accept anything less isn't worth her time. It's not some misogynistic agenda to brainwash young girls.
Don't warp something beautiful, fun, and needed for girls and make it into something ugly. It's not "the patriarchy." It's showing women that they are worth so much more than what some men will want to treat them.