I understand that we all are probably more than just disappointed in the quality of our Presidential candidates this election, but that's no excuse to not vote. I have seen and heard many arguments that people can't in good conscience put any candidate in office. Trust me, I get it. Vote anyway. When you don't vote you are waving the only say you actively have in your government and how things are ran around you. Whether you fill out that ballot or not you will be effected in some way by the outcome. This is your opportunity to put your opinion and thoughts to action, instead of just sitting back complaining for the next (x) amount of years about things that were once in your control.
Don't say you don't have the time: voting takes about 20 minutes tops if you did all your research beforehand like everyone should.
Don't tell me your vote won't make a difference: Your vote DOES make a difference or they wouldn't bother letting you cast it. I'm not saying that things can't be misused and changed higher up in this system, but that's something we can't control. Do what you can and cast your ballot anyways.
Don't say you can't get to your polling place: HELLOOOOOO absentee voting is a thing. You apply online, they send you a ballot that you fill out, you get it notarized and send it back. Easy-Peasy.
Don't say you hate the candidates so you're not voting: This is your right as an AMERICAN. This is something that people fight for on a daily basis, don't throw it away just because you can't choose someone to support. As if that wasn't enough reason to vote, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES AREN'T THE ONLY THING YOU'RE VOTING FOR THIS ELECTION. There are these things called "state questions", maybe you've heard of them? These are extremely important to be an informed voter on, they can raise/lower taxes, support specific groups, and even take some rights away. These effect your life directly, and quickly. Learn your stuff and fill out your ballot.
Our generation is one that speaks of change a lot. We are full of smart people that want to make a difference in things they care about. Stop looking for small ways to make a change and BE THE CHANGE. Our government is for the people by the people, don't let anyone take that away from you.