After completing my school projects for the week and getting an article written to post on here about how dating a veteran has helped me to grow as a person, I decided to take a well-earned break and creep on Facebook for a little while. Much to my shock and horror I see this article:
If you read my previous article, you'd know that human rights are very important to me and that I believe that our progress in this has (and will continue) to take steps back if the wrong people are elected. I'm a little ashamed to say that I have been trying to feign ignorance of the things that are going on where America is concerned. I might not have clicked on the article if I hadn't seen a town I was semi-familiar with, Greenville, MS, in the title.
A little context; Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church was found burning last night and it took nearly an hour to put the flames out. On one side of the church the words "Vote Trump" were painted. That's not the only thing they've found in Greenville: A boat was found with N***** spray painted on its front near the town's levee.
I am not particularly religious, but I believe people have a right to worship in safety and however they choose to do so without fear of being retaliated against or attacked for no reason insofar as they do not harm other people.
I also believe that religion needs to remain separate from politics except when religious freedom, one of the things this country was founded on, is at risk. I am frustrated when people elect someone who is not suited for the office simply because they think that that person will further the goals and agendas of that religion. If it were up to me, I would say that candidates should be banned from the use of religion in their political platforms and the the religion of a candidate should not be a factor.
This election has been one of the most hateful and bitter I've seen, which is part of why I'm so frustrated that I can't figure out who to vote for to start fixing the problems that led (I'm assuming) otherwise decent people to do such terrible things in the name of something as distasteful as politics. Then again, perhaps politics are being used to hide the real motive. Perhaps the undercurrents of hate haven't fully stopped flowing. Perhaps the problems of the 50's and 60's never really went away and I just haven't thought about it.
All I know is that I'm appalled and saddened at this. As the article said, "This should not be happening in 2016." We are better than this.