Recently, I have seen several articles about how much the writer has learned in the past 21 years of his or her life. I am a 21-year-old here to say that I do not know nearly as much as I expected I would at this time. My teenage-self thought that I would have my life together by now, but I don’t and that is okay! Here are 21 lessons I have not yet learned…
1. What I want to be when I grow up
I am sure about my major and career path right now, but who knows what the future holds.
2. Where I want to live
I might not want to live in a small-town or maybe I do...
3. How to be the perfect friend
4. …Or the greatest girlfriend.
5. …Or sweetest sister.
6. How much pasta I actually need to boil
I always seem to make enough for an army.
7. Always listening to my mom’s advice
8. Finding my identity fully in Christ
9. Not caring what others think
10. How the heck to do my taxes
11. How to cook without a recipe
12. The best way to pack and move
This is an accurate depiction of me.
13. The art of eyeliner
14. Not letting school rule my world
15. Budgeting
16. Drinking enough water
17. Exercising consistently
18. Eating healthy
19. How to avoid procrastination
20. Disconnecting from social media
21. How to appreciate silence
Here's to 21 more years. Years filled with unknowns, seasoned with new lessons, and marked by improvements.