I gave myself until eight o'clock this morning to be angry. For about eight hours I was allowed to cry and share hyper-liberal things all over the Internet. After that eight hours, my anger is no longer allowed to demonstrate itself on the Internet or in any other format. After that eight hours, everything changes. I can be sad or scared, but no longer angry.
To my Trump-supporting friends: Congratulations. Your candidate won. While I may still very strongly dislike Donald Trump and what he stands for, the vast majority of you are good people. For the most part, you don't believe in the racism, sexism, or homophobia that Donald Trump perpetuates. You voted for him for other reasons, and I applaud you for exercising your right to vote.
I still believe that love will always come out on top, which is part of why it is so important that we let go of our anger. I understand why you're angry, believe me, I do. I understand that most people don't understand why you're scared. But in all honesty? I'm exhausted, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm so tired of all the hate that dominated this election. I know I contributed to it, but it's time to stop. Hillary supporters: there's no longer a point in long angry rants about Trump supporters. Trump supporters: there's no need for boasting or long angry rants about Hillary supporters. The only way we can prevent this hate from continuing is to unite.
Hillary Clinton talked a lot about uniting the country in the last few days, and that is what we have to do. Whatever happens these next four years, we need to learn to accept everyone for who they are, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality. Regardless of anything the national government says, I'm still a firm believer in equality for all people. That means people of all races, genders, nationalities, sexual orientations, and religions. But that can't happen unless we as a nation stand together and work for it. You may not be suffering; hell, you may be thrilled with these results. But you know people who are. You know friends and family who cried late into the night over the result of this election. I am one of them. Support those who are suffering, who are scared. Hug them. Listen to them. Try to understand why they're upset. Even if you're offended by what they're saying, let them be angry. If they're talking to you about this, they trust you. They don't hate you, but they need a listening ear. They need their closest friends and family. If you choose to abandon or be angry with them, that's your decision, and nobody is going to stop you from making it.
I've already had friends attack me for being angry. I've had other friends send me long encouraging messages telling me it will be okay, that the world isn't ending, and that they love me no matter what. I'm now choosing to not be angry. I'm choosing to stand for equality, for love, and for coming together as a country to allow everyone access to equal rights. Even though it felt like my world was ending last night, the sun still rose this morning, and I'm going to use this day and each day after to pursue equal rights for all. I hope you'll join me.