Self Respect In College | The Odyssey Online
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Self Respect In College

So, where did it go?

Self Respect In College
The Guidance Girl

Self-respect: pride and confidence in oneself, a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity.

Self-respect in males and females across the board has declined drastically within the past few years, especially in college. Having self-respect allows teens to do things that are enjoyable. Everyone says sex is fun. Well, that's great, but having sex with everybody you happen to see is not fun and shows that you have no self-respect.

In high school, I knew a girl who was running a little low on self-respect. It was sad to watch and be around because she was and is a sweet girl, she is just low on self-respect. Gaining self-respect, in my opinion, isn't hard. I believe that we are all taught by our parents that self-respect is needed.

When there is no self-respect, and sexual intercourse is happening regularly, babies are being made. Statistically proven, 1 in 4 girls in the state of South Carolina will be pregnant before they are 20 years old. That thought in itself is scary. Those numbers are way too high. Showing that you have respect for yourself may not make guys want to be with you right from the start, but ultimately, all guys want a girl who is respectful not only of herself, but her body, her relationship, and him.

Maria Caballero, freshman, said that self-respect is important because if you do not respect yourself, then others will not respect you and they will take advantage of you. This reasoning is spot on because all people, men and women, like to be respected and shown respect. Issac Harris, freshman, said self-respect is important because it builds self-esteem. Those who do not have high self-respect seem to have low self-esteem. This should be "fixed" because everyone is beautiful and perfect in His eyes, and everyone should love themselves for who they are!

Going to college does not give one the freedom of losing the morals and values you were taught at home. College should be a time when you realize just how much self-respect you have and realize your full potential to control what your body does and who it does with.

Self respect is something that is diminishing in today's society and should be saved. Find self-respect and put a ring on it.

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