Respect. The most basic, most wonderful thing you can give to another person. Respect is easy. It is saying a response every time someone says something to you, never ignoring a person that is upset, doing the things you are supposed to do, solely because it is the right thing to do. We all know these things, so why don’t we all do it?We all (should’ve) been taught these things from a young age. We learned it from watching others, but when the adults we watch don’t treat others with respect, it can be hard to remember how you should always treat others. Is that why we don’t always do it?
Respect is not only given when you want something when you like the person you’re talking to, or ‘when you feel like it. Respect should be given all the time. Yes. All the time. That includes when you are emotional. If that emotion is good, bad, or ugly, it does not matter. Respect should be given to every single person, every single day.
Respect is easy! It simply means to live by the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. If you want to be treated like shit every day for the rest of your life, okay, to each his own. Just know that you will be treated badly if you treat others badly, that is just how it is.
You should never treat people nicely only because you expect something out of them. That is just not cool, man. First of all, that is really insulting to the person you were being nice to. It is saying that they are not worth respect unless they can do something for you, and that is not okay. That is not accurate. Secondly, that is just a bad mindset for you to have. You’re not always going to get the things you want, period, end of story. You won’t. Do not think that being kind will change that, it won’t. Being treated like a human being is not a special gift only given to divine beings. IT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.
So, if you’re at Starbucks and the barista is new, and makes a mistake, what would you do?
A.)Yell at her B.) Storm out
C.) Demand a refund D.) Suck it up and drink it
E.) Take it back up, and calmly explain what is wrong.
If you chose anything other than ‘E’, you chose wrong! A, B, and C are all treating the employees poorly and is just going to make everyone around feel upset. ‘D’ doesn’t do any good either. The barista will not learn what they did wrong, and you are left without the coffee you paid for. ‘E’ treats everyone involved fairly-Like human beings.
Human beings make mistakes. Human beings make mistakes. HUMAN BEINGS MAKE MISTAKES. Every single last one of us makes mistakes, and that does not make any of us any less of a human being deserving love and respect.
Respect is easy. It is acting in a way you want to be treated. There is nothing easier than that. There is nothing easier than not doing the very things that bother you! Odds are if you don’t like a behavior, there are lots of other people who don’t like it either.
But, that does not mean that you can be rude to or disrespect another person simply because you do not agree with them. Everyone has their own opinion, and that is okay. What is not okay is being an ass because you don’t like it. That is a temper tantrum, people, that is something children do when they don’t get their way. If you don’t like it, don’t practice it.
Woah! Novel concept, huh? It really is that easy, guys. It really is. Having a better day begins with you! Just apply those five keys (I will list them again, below), and voila! Have a nice day!
- Your opinion does not matter in someone else’s life
- To each his own
- Respect is easy
- Humans make mistakes!
- If you don’t like it, don’t practice it.