For many people in South Jersey, classes started this week. On the first day of my Geography class, my professor brought up a subject that I've thought a lot about throughout the last few months because it just triggers me so much when people do this.
Now, you might be asking me, "Julia, what is it that triggers you so much that you've thought about it so much and writing an article about it?" Well, I'm glad you asked because that's exactly why you're here reading this article.
I absolutely cannot stand it when someone has a different opinion or belief than someone else, and they tell the other person "You're wrong. I'm right. This is how it should be and this is what you should think, or else I can't be nice to you."
Like, that's not okay.
If you're one of those people, don't be. How could you be so closedminded to think that everything you believe in is the only thing you should believe in?
You have your opinions and not everyone else in the world will have the same outlook as you. Don't be so ignorant to think that all the facts you know are the facts that everyone should know and agree on.
Instead of persecuting others and their beliefs, respect that they have other opinions and beliefs and maybe learn a little about why they think the way that they do.
I cannot tell you how many people I've come across in the past few years that have different views on certain topics than I do. Even my mom has different views than me on some things. When I come across those people, I don't judge them or hate on them.
I simply ask them more about their viewpoint, listen, share my side, and say, "I don't believe in that, but you have your opinion and I have mine".
Not everyone you meet will believe what you believe is right. Stop hating on others for how they feel about things and just learn a little about their side of the story. The world would be a very boring place if everyone had the same outlook as you.
It's an important lesson in life to learn how to respect other people's views without judging. In the end, diversity is what brings us together.