It’s 2016 now! With the new year comes new resolutions. Well, maybe not new resolutions. Every year we seem to hear everybody having the same resolutions. The most common New Year’s resolutions people make are to lose weight, to spend less while saving more, to stay fit, and to fall in love. Now there is definitely nothing wrong with wanting these things in the new year.
The “New Year, new me” mind set is definitely a good one to have, the truth is you will most likely be the same person on January 1, 2016 that you were on December 31, 2015. People don’t change overnight and we will be the same people. Resolutions are goals and it’s good to have goals. However, the standard resolutions are sometimes ones that we make not thinking about whether it’s a realistic goal or not.
According to statistics, less than half of the people that make resolutions actually follow through with them. This probably happens because people don’t make resolutions that are not realistic, for example, you can’t control whether you fall in love with someone and you know that Netflix and ice cream sounds way more appealing than a salad and a morning run. So how do you resolve the resolution problem? This year I decided to make your not so average, more attainable New Year’s Resolutions in hopes of being able to follow through with the resolutions.
Complete the Puzzle I began on New Year’s Eve
Since I am a grandma trapped in a college student’s body, I love things like baking, crafting, and doing puzzles of all kinds, even on one of the biggest party nights of the year. Unfortunately, I never finish a puzzle. However, this year I am determined to finish this puzzle.
I am going to Craft
I am going to try to make more art. Art is beautiful and adds so much more to life. It can be anything from a small sketch to something a little more complicated.
I am going to Give
I will give smiles. I will give advice. I will give hugs. I might even give those crafts to people.
I am going to Dance
I am going to dance in my kitchen, in my living room, in my bedroom, and maybe even in the shower if I feel like living a little dangerously.
I will learn to Cook
As of now I make a killer grilled cheese, quesadilla, and a bowl of cereal. And that’s it. I’d like to learn how to cook better food for myself.
I will succeed in my Job
I love my job and I will be the best employee I can be in the upcoming year. I will learn more and I will train in more areas so I can be more versatile in the workplace.
Of course, everyone’s lists will be different. For some people, eating healthy is an easy and realistic goal. For others, not so much. I believe we should make reachable resolutions. Today I share my personal 2016 resolutions with you in hopes that you too can make realistic resolutions that you can follow through with in the upcoming year. We should of course all still try to be healthy and fit, but if we have been making that resolution for the past 8 New Years and never follow through, maybe we should start making different resolutions.
Cheers to 2016! May it be the best year yet.