Ah, the New Year. A chance to start over, set new goals, reach new heights all due to the lofty promise of the "new year, new me" mentality. Don't get me wrong, I suffer from the premise of reinventing myself or bettering myself in the new year. I always set goals that I quickly forget about, change or simply become too lazy to keep up with, especially once school starts up again and I fall back into the old habitual routine that comes with it. Here are 19 things (ha get it) that you've probably promised yourself, or heard others pledge to keep up with, that you, and everyone else knows, simply won't stick. What can I say, old habits die hard
Go to the gym
I have been to the gym at school once, and i'll never go back
Eat healthier
I'm really good at this until its 11 pm and I NEED chocolate or i'll literally die
Spend less money
I don't even have any money to spend
Say 'yes' more
Routine takes precedence
Meet new people
Now a Junior in college, this is harder than it was as a Freshman
Stay organized
Easy to do once, hard to maintain
Build better study habits
Maybe if i fixed #10 I could
Manage stress more efficiently
If someone actually teaches me this i'll change #new #year #new #me
Travel more
With what money and time?
Improve your sleeping habits
NGL this is the one resolution I have actually done. Night time mode on your phone/computer actually saves lives, utilize it.
Spend less time on your phone/social media
Maybe you'll go on a "cleanse" for a week but the habit is hard to break especially when you need to stalk your ex or post that really killer selfie or get a good laugh from twitter
Clean out your closet
You may do this once, maybe even twice, but the rest of the year its absolute anarchy
Drink less alcohol, more water
Stopping kidding yourself
Learn a new skill/language
With what time?
Find a new hobby
Eat at home more
This becomes increasingly more hard when you remember you have to clean up