I personally never make a New Years’ resolution. I do not see the point in them at all. Most of the time, people make them and then never keep them. There is always that one person who says that they are going to work out at least twice a week and they maybe do it for the first two weeks or month and stop. It is hard to keep resolutions because we are human and forget. It is hard to remember to do things and fit them into our busy schedules. One thing that we can fit into our schedule is being nicer to one another.
The only New Years’ resolution that I will ever keep, is to be nicer to people. Try complimenting someone every day. People do not realize how big of a difference that makes. It puts a smile on my face just watching another person compliment someone else. I mean obviously you don’t want to be creepy about it, but just mention something about their hair or their outfit. It is the little things that matter the most and that makes a big difference.
If you are really looking for a New Years’ resolution, try donating your time, money, or food to your local shelters. They are in desperate need for donations especially in the winter time. No one deserves to spend their lives outside in the freezing cold with no food or water. Even if you donate a penny or used clothes, anything helps. I am positive it will make a huge impact on that person’s life.
I have volunteered at drug addiction clinics before and even seeing aa friendly face and having someone listen to them helps. Be the person who is willing to volunteer their time for someone else in need. God wants us all to be loved and to love each other. What better way to show it than making one of these options your resolution this year?