As we begin the new year, many try to come up with a resolution that they can try and follow through with for the new year. More often than not people fail to keep up their resolutions due to a number of different things: unforeseen obstacles, the need to work on other things, and my usual problem, forgetfulness.
Now it is not a crime to not do your New Year’s Resolution. It’s just a goal that you have for the year. It’s not even something that you have to do. It’s just a nice tradition to have. The problem, however, with not following through with your resolution, is that it sets the precedent that you will continuously not fulfill the goals that you make for yourself.
Yes, I know. This is rather hypocritical of a person who constantly forgets to keep her own goals and resolutions to even think about saying to others, but this is my resolution for the year.
To keep the resolutions and goals that I make for myself.
To do that, however, I probably should just try to keep it simple and so should those who have trouble with goals and resolutions. Having a few simple ones are a lot better to keep than a whole list of overly specific and complicated or just simply wacky goals (been there, done that, going make it a goal not go back).
So my challenge is simple. Create a small list of goals for this year and remember them and follow them. Take a picture and make it your screensaver for the year or put them in a planner you take with you. Any way you can remember it or keep it on you is great. Even if you don’t get through all your goals for the next year, it’s fine. You can just try again next year….
Which only allows for the cycle of not following through to continue.