Too often, people are caught up in trends of healthier lifestyles, looking thinner, looking prettier, getting more followers, and trying to change who they are.
Resolutions rarely work out. In fact, according to a U.S. News article from 2015, 80% of new years resolutions fail by February.
People are focused on the wrong things, and go into each new year with unrealistic expectations and thinking that maybe next year will be the year.
New Year's resolutions are dumb. Don't get caught in the fads.
There are, however, important mindsets and lifestyles to take on in this new year that are better than those workout plans and dieting plans you have in mind.
Here are 12 things that are most definitely worth adding to you 2019 lifestyle.
1. Gratitude
Count your blessings. Don't ever go a day without giving thanks, and realizing how grateful you are for the things around you. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone has something to be grateful for. Hold on to those things. Don't look at what you don't have. Look at what you do have and how fortunate you are to be where you are in life.
Even if this point in your life is one of hardship, you are growing and becoming stronger through your trials. Don't let the gratitude slip away.
2. Positivity
Starting your day with a bad attitude never gets you anywhere. Go into each day with an "I got this" attitude. The world needs a lot more positivity, let it start with you.
3. Cleanliness
Not just on the outside. Be clean on the inside. Take care of yourself mentally and physically, and take care of the areas around you.
4. Stronger relationships
Learn to become a better friend, daughter, son, mother, father, grandfather, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, than you already are. Relationships take work and the more effort you put in, the better your relationships will be.
5. Passion
Find things that excite you and make you want to jump out of bed every morning
6. Healthiness
Now, I don't mean setting unrealistic standards for yourself in the gym or with what you eat or how you look. I mean, make sure you FEEL healthy. Don't let yourself go, take care of yourself and put good things in you, mentally and physically.
7. Me time
Have one day a week be a day of relaxation. Often times we lose our motivation in the business of life. Take time for yourself and do things that you don't HAVE to do. Do things not on a deadline. Take time for leisure.
8. Patience
Learn more patience. Letting the future grab hold of you will drag you down. Don't let the unknown make you fearful or impatient. Let it ignite you to live in the moment and take each day as a gift. We are never promised tomorrow so focus on the now.
9. Happiness
Because your happiness matters and it important. You need to be living a life you are happy with. Find the little things that make you enjoy life and make you happy to wake up every day.
10. Finding joy in the little things
Little things can change your attitude in a heartbeat. Life's little moments are inspiring and raw and beautiful. Don't miss out on them.
11. Kindness
Don't tear others down, lift them up. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Smile at strangers, hold doors open for people, make conversations with someone new. Be you, be real, be kind.
12. Being present
Don't get caught up and all the bad, stressful, uncertain things. Look up from your phone, take out your headphones. Look around, use your eyes, and see the world and life around you. You were given this beautiful life, don't let it pass you by.