"Resident Alien," the newest series on Syfy, utilizes dark humor and a talented cast to blend sci-fi tropes - all coming together to produce an effortlessly-watchable show. The story follows a fish-out-of-water/alien-on-earth format with Harry (Alan Tudyk), the protagonist-alien who crashes on our planet and feigns the identity of a doctor in a sleepy, snowy town. As Harry humorously attempts to blend in with people, he discovers that his mission to destroy humankind will be more challenging than he anticipated.
Alan Tudyk Binge Watch GIF by SYFYGiphy
Available for free on SyFy's website, the comedy show is an adaptation of the Dark Horse comic series of the same name, joining the ranks of other adaptations that find their new homes in the extended time of a season rather than a two-hour movie.
While movie studios began employing comics' potential about ten years before TV did, the latter is reasonably a truer fit for the medium. If you have a desire to explore the genre, here is a compilation of comic book storylines adapted into television shows - barring trite superhero tales and highlighting *graphic* content.
1. "The Umbrella Academy" (2019 - Present)
Netflix Ben GIF by The Umbrella AcademyGiphyAvailable on Netflix.
2. "The End of the F***ing World" (2017 - 2019)
alex lawther netflix GIF by The End Of The F***ing WorldGiphyAvailable on Netflix.
3. "I'm Not Okay With This" (2020)
I Am Not Okay With This Wyatt Oleff GIF by NETFLIXGiphyAvailable on Netflix.
7. "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"/"Sabrina The Teenage Witch" (2018 - 2020)/(1996 - 2003)
sabrina spellman witch GIF by Chilling Adventures of SabrinaGiphyAvailable on Netflix and Hulu.
9. "Snowpiercer" (2020 - Present)
Tv Show GIF by SnowpiercerTVGiphyAvailable on Amazon Prime or Hulu.