Recently, mysterious "95_" stickers have started showing up all over University of Oregon's campus with no explanation. Everyone wants to know what is going on.
It turns out that this movement is a "student-driven change initiative at the University of Oregon" called Reset the Code. The campaign was created by Allen Hall Advertising and asks members of the community to practice a higher standard of respect. It's a reminder to treat others how you want to be treated.
The idea is simple. Every student at the UO is given an ID number that starts with "95." We are all united by those numbers, yet they are all unique. If everyone treated each other with dignity and respect, it would make a large impact. Community members are asked to sign a pledge to follow the code.
The campaign produced a series of videos that provide a guide for how to "reset the code" and what to do in difficult situations.
They also created a powerful video that demonstrated the power of words and the need to stand up for each other.
On inauguration day, the campaign hosted a "reset day" and asked students to come to the Erb Memorial Union to sign a banner with the Reset pledge. The campaign is also promoting a series of lectures and activities that are aimed at strengthening the community and fighting social issues.
The campaign is not meant to be political but is influenced by the timing of the inauguration. It is a sensitive time for many people at the University of Oregon and this movement is here to support students.