According to the ASPCA, 7.6 million animals walk into a shelter each year. To make things even more upsetting, roughly 2.7 million shelter animals are euthanized each year. If we love cats and dogs so much, why are we allowing this number to be so astronomically high? There are around 2.7 million animals adopted each year, but we need to increase this number, so here are a few reasons why you should rescue pets!
1. The pure joy each animal gets when you visit it.
Every time I walk into the Elmira Animal Shelter on Linden, I immediately hear the chorus of barking coming from the dogs as they wag their tails with excitement, hearing a visitor approach. There is not a better feeling in the world than walking into a cage and having a dog tackle you with kisses just because they are so happy to have someone to love, even if it is for a few hours at a time. It is just the same for the cats too! They all get so happy they get to cuddle up with us that they even fall asleep sometimes too, or make muffins... depending on the cat! If seeing their happy, adorable faces does not make you swoon, then are you even human?
2. They all need a loving home!
Pets are just like big, hairy babies, and so they too need a loving home! A lot of these animals have been homeless or have been in a abusive home for quite some time, and are often left emotionally and physically scarred. With the right amount of love and care, these scars can start to heal and these animals will eventually turn into new animals. One dog in particular, Darcy, was so afraid of everyone because of where they found her, but with a lot of love, care and attention, she quickly grew to be one of the most loved dogs in the shelter, and when she got adopted it was one of the best feelings in my life. Giving an animal a loving home is all they really ask for!
3. Animals make people happy!
It has been shown throughout history that animals have been valued very highly, whether that be as a god or a friend, the principle is still the same. Animals make people happy, from the way the love us unconditionally to the goofy things they do. I can never stop smiling when I see a dog try and scratch their butt by rolling all over the floor. Do not get me started on how funny it is to turn around and see cats crawling all over my friend's back. Being around animals is like giving someone a hug; it just makes you happy! No matter how frustrating an animal can be, it is always nice to come home to them patiently waiting for your arrival. There is a reason why dogs are called "man's best friend!"
After reading this, hopefully you feel compelled to go out to your local animal shelter and adopt an animal or two, or three, or four or all of them. Just remember: the next time you think about getting a pet, look at shelters first! You never know if your newest family member is waiting for you to change their life for the better.