I know that you're pain-free now, and I know that doggie heaven has lots of treats. I know that you're running free, and smiling big. I understand that you needed to go because God knew how much pain you were in – but my heart can't help but feel with every part of it the emptiness left behind with your passing.
I can't help but hope that this is just a bad dream – that I'll wake up and it'll all be OK. I just want to walk through the door and see you smiling. I want to hold you one more time and yell at you for licking the couch. I miss your stubbornness and your unconditional love.
The bond that we had is irreplaceable. You picked me when I needed you the most. I wasn't even thinking about getting a new pup when I met you, but you fit into my life perfectly, and you needed me as much as I needed you.
My life was chaos when you came into it, and you gave Dozer and I a whole new meaning to our lives. You were his best friend and my sliver of hope for better days.
Thank you for being one of my rocks through all of my ups and downs I faced, I'm so glad you got to celebrate all of the obstacles that I overcame in the last two years with us. I'm so glad that you were able to see me happy, and alcohol-free. I'm so glad you got to be with us when Dad and I got together and became a family. I'm so glad you got to move up north with us, and enjoy our beautiful home.
And I'm so glad that this was one of the best summers of your life with all of the swimming and adventures Dad and I took you three on.
I will never forget your smile when we played fetch, or your happy tail wags and hugs when I came home – no matter how long or short the time I was gone. I'll never forget your cuddles, or your kisses every morning when I was supposed to be getting ready for work.
You were a huge part of our family. You protected your little sis and backed your big bro. You always made sure your humans were happy. You were the best shadow I could ask for.
My heart is torn that you had to leave us way sooner than any of us expected – but I'm so thankful that I rescued you and was able to give you the happiest two years of your life. I'm so thankful that the last weekend of your life was spent camping, running free, and playing with the kiddos. I'm so thankful that I was with you when you took your last breathe so you felt safe and loved. And most of all I'm thankful that now you can do all of your favorite things, without having to be strong and fight through the pain.
You will always be apart of me, our family, and our hearts. You touched every life you came in contact with, and you were the sweetest, kindest, gentlest pup I could have asked for.
I hope doggie heaven is as beautiful as you are momma girl, I'll meet you on the other side.