Being an RA this year has already become one of my favorite parts of my college experience. Getting to know the other members of the Residence Life staff and the incredible residents on my hall has been a joyful way to start off my sophomore year. However, there are some harder things that come along with the job. I've realized that Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec makes many of the faces that I make on this job.
1. Hearing something suspicious happening when you're working in the lobby.
2. Getting a text from a resident saying that their maintenance request from three weeks ago still.hasn't.been.fixed.
3. When other RAs walk past your hall activity that's going well.
4. When a resident manages to find a significant other in the first week.
5. Walking into the bathroom to find it completely trashed.
6. When a resident tells you about a mature decision she has made.
7. After a resident who was just rude to you walks away.
8. The look your friend gives you when she's in the office with your Res Life crush.
9. Overhearing residents' conversations when you're working in the office.
10. And the more you listen, the more absurd the conversation gets.
11. When residents think they can get away with things just because you're friends.
12. First getting the job and realizing how much power you have.
13. Bonding with your residents.
14. Hearing the latest res life drama.
15. When a friend tells you that she met one of your residents, and they say they love you.
You know what they say, #reslifebestlife. Through all the ups and downs, my fellow RAs have been a source of encouragement. And I'm lucky to have such incredible residents who make me thankful each day that I get to be their RA.