An Honest Review Of Taylor Swift's 'Reputation' After Listening To It For Over A Month | The Odyssey Online
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An Honest Review Of Taylor Swift's 'Reputation' After Listening To It For Over A Month

Taylor Swift's chart-topping new album, with the review you've been waiting for.

An Honest Review Of Taylor Swift's 'Reputation' After Listening To It For Over A Month
Big Machine Label Group

In honor of her 28th birthday, I thought I would do an album review of Taylor Swift's latest album "Reputation." It’s been out for the world to hear since November 10th and still, I’m not tired of a single tune in the four weeks I’ve had it! Relating to the fitting the title it’s given, she definitely expresses herself now more than ever through ballads, dance tracks and her signature emotionally tolling lyrics.

After not releasing an album in over two years (1989, released on October 17, 2014), she’s definitely stepped up her game and improved (which I didn’t think was even possible) her sound with her much needed time off. From beginning to end, her story is drawn once again and I’m left speechless.

Sit back, grab a snack, and listen along with me.

Track 1: "… Ready For It?"

This 3-minute track really sets the tone off for what the rest of the album is to be. With heavy bass and a catchy beat, you can’t help but not skip it. Swift released this track in early September as her second single before the album's debut. This track does a good job revealing Swift’s “new” sound and leaves you wanting more.

Favorite lyric: “In the middle of the night, in my dreams / I know I’m gonna be with you.”

Track 2: "End Game" feat. Ed Sheeran and Future.

Starting out, you can’t help but see the title and think how are Ed Sheeran AND Future supposed to fit into this? But it’s like this song was made for all of them. With powerful lyrics and intentional placement, I’m blown away by how fitting this track seems to be. Her lyrics, I think, set a good all-around tone for herself and what the media sees of her with her big reputation.

Favorite lyric: “Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy / I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me.”

Track 3: "I Did Something Bad."

Undoubtedly probably one of the most different songs of Swift’s to be released, it really hits you in a new place. This is one of those tracks you just want to blast really loud in your car and not care if the car next to you can hear! This heavy beat song really drives the anger you have pent up in you and I couldn’t be happier with it.

Favorite lyric: “Most fun I ever had / And I’d do it over and over and over again if I could / It just felt so good, good.”

Track 4: "Don’t Blame Me."

The layering of this track is really what sets the whole sound for what this track is. Possibly a little biased, but this might be one of my favorites. I think this song sounds really soulful which is what draws me to it. The lyrics are really what draw you in to the rest of the song. I’m not sure I could even pick a favorite lyric, but here I am.

Favorite lyric: “Don’t blame me, love made me crazy / If it doesn’t, you ain’t doin’ it right” and “I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy.”

Track 5: "Delicate."

OK, I lied. This one has to be the favorite. The song as a whole just leaves me feeling light and fluttery and delicate. It’s lyrically a masterpiece. It’s one of those songs where you hear the lyrics and you hear the music and they were full-on just made for each other. It’s the song that you feel when you like someone for the first time and can admit to it, and once again Swift writes a song that we can all relate to.

Favorite lyric: “Sometimes I wonder when you sleep / Are you ever dreaming of me?”

Track 6: "Look What You Made Me Do."

The first track that she put out from "Reputation," this track was released on August 24th and really left some people wondering where in the heck Swift was headed with her new sound. I think it’s hard not to tap along to this catchy track. It really is a big screw you to all her haters. Through the lyrics, sound and released music video, you can see that the old Taylor is dead.

Favorite lyric: “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me.”

Track 7: "So It Goes…"

This is what I believe to be the most “typical” Taylor Swift track off the album. Still, one of the most beautifully composed tracks, is as addicting as the last. It’s very easy to follow and I think one of the only songs that lyrically creates a story. It’s very settling and a beautiful song altogether.

Favorite lyric: “’Cause we break down a little / But when you get me alone, it’s so simple.”

Track 8: "Gorgeous."

Swift's third single to be released before the album debut, the world got this song on October 20th. This has to be one of the catchiest, singalong songs she’s released. Lyrically, you can’t help but think about whatever crush you’re feeling at the moment and relate it to what she’s written. The musicality of this track leaves me speechless with the placement of certain elements and instruments (but for that, I’m not really surprised!).

Favorite lyric: “And I’m so furious / At you for making me feel this way / But what can I say? / You’re gorgeous.”

Track 9: "Getaway Car."

Honestly, thank goodness there’s no rule for how many favorites one person can have because this is a close tie with track five. This is a prime example of Swift’s writing capabilities and being able to write something personal to her that everyone else can relate to. Musically, this track carries you through different dimensions and feelings all trapped into an almost 4-minute song.

Favorite lyric: “He was the best of times, the worst of crimes / I struck a match and blew your mind / But I didn’t mean it / And you didn’t see it.”

Track 10: "King Of My Heart."

I think as the album goes on I just keep collecting more favorites because I’m not sure if I could ever narrow myself down to one. This track has really good placement of instruments and the beats of drums and bass as well as non-instrumental sounds. Tie in the lyrics Swift wrote this and you’re presented with yet another masterpiece.

Favorite lyric: “I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own / I made up my mind, I’m better off bein’ alone.”

Track 11: "Dancing With Our Hands Tied."

Honestly, I’ve never heard a song like this one before. I am such a fan of mixing tempos to be slower then faster then a whole different beat and this song represents that exceptionally. This track has to be one of the catchiest off the album and instantly I want to sing and dance along with it.

Favorite lyric: “I could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets / Picture of your face in an invisible locket.”

Track 12: "Dress."

Talk about feeling absolute scandalous! While the lyrics of this song are clearly directed toward someone, I can’t help but feel in my element so much. Again, one of my favorites out the whole, this song really puts you into perspective of how much having a crush is really truly lovely and actually just sucks. Quite possibly one of the hardest to pick a favorite lyric for, this is probably one of my biggest recommendations; if you only wanted to listen to one song, listen to this one.

Favorite lyric: “Say my name and everything just stops / I don’t want you like a best friend” and “You kiss my face and we’re both drunk.”

Track 13: "This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things."

Everyone — and I really mean everyone — has to be able to relate to this song. Lyrically, musically, all of it goes together so perfectly it’s almost scary. This track really displays how well Swift is at creating a song and putting words together to reveal a story and how really, we can’t all have nice things. Not only that but her personality comes through in this song so much (that laugh). Another favorite it is.

Favorite lyric: “Did you think I wouldn’t hear all the things you said about me? / This is why we can’t have nice things.”

Track 14: "Call It What You Want."

Swift's last and surprise single, she released this track on November 3rd, just a week before the album’s debut. One of the most beautifully written and recorded songs off the album, it’s hard not to fall in love with it once you hear it. It really just puts things out there calling it how it is, however you want. Again, I’m not sure how to pick a favorite lyric. Trust me when I say, this is such a well-written song.

Favorite lyric: “I’m laughing with my lover, making forts under covers / Trust him like a brother, yeah, you know I did one thing right” and “I want to wear his initial / On a chain 'round my neck, chain 'round my neck / Not because he owns me / But ‘cause he really knows me.”

Track 15: "New Year’s Day."

The last and final and such a typical but beautifully created piece from Swift, it’s the song that breaks and mends your soul all into one. This song is so simply made with the layering of her voice, piano and a bit of guitar and strings. So easily written and carried out, you feel like falling in love all over again through the four minutes of this track.

Favorite lyric: “Don’t read the last page / But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or you’re making mistakes / I want your midnights / But I’ll be cleaning up with bottles with you on New Year’s Day / Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you / Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.”

And once again, you’re at the end of yet another Taylor Swift album. This album really is a treat and I feel lucky to have my hands on it.

Whether you’re a fan or not, I feel as though this album deserves to be listened to, cried over, laughed over, appreciated and all overplayed about.

Taylor, you’ve been an inspiration to me throughout the years and I’m lucky to call myself a fan of your work and who you are.

Shameless plug, if you find yourself a fan, as well, don’t forget to check out her tour dates for her Summer 2018 ‘"Reputation" stadium tour!

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