Ah, I see it now. That verse that tells me I'm supposed to like comment, and share every post that talks about Jesus in order to "prove" to the world that I'm "Christian." Wait, you mean you don't know what verse I'm talking about? Wasn't it in the Ten Commandments somewhere? Something like "And thou shalt repost all of the Lord's posts."? No? Well, surely then it's one of the points Jesus elaborated on in one of His sermons, right?
Wait, you mean there's absolutely nothing in the Bible that talks about this social media dispute? How interesting. Because, despite the fact this is well known, we still somehow fall prey to the idea that we have to "declare our faith" through these posts. You know what posts I'm talking about.
I'm talking about posts like this:
And this:
And this:
And my personal favorite:
"Watch what happens?" What is that even supposed to mean? I remember reposting these when I was in middle school and waiting 30 seconds for something to "happen" and then realizing that nothing was going to immediately "happen" that would serve as a reward for me "proving" that I was Christian and that Jesus came first in my life. I also remember waiting in fear for another 30 seconds when I didn't repost it, and I waited for God to end my life with a bolt of lightning or something.
The problem with these posts is that, for many of us, we can end up looking like this:
But, in this case, it kind of is.
We're letting posts like these have way too much significance in our daily lives. This isn't true for everyone, of course, but a lot of people only end up posting these just for the sake of looking good on social media. But that's not the point of Christianity. It's great that your post helps spread the message and love of Jesus to others, but we're becoming reliant on letting these posts show others how much of a "good Christian" you are. The bottom line is that my faith and my love are not determined by these cheesy posts. Yes, I believe in God. No, I don't need to repost Facebok statuses in order to prove my love for Him. And neither do you. We need to go out and do something so that our lives are reflective of how much we love Jesus and put Him first.Now, having said all of that, I know that you'll all share this article, because... you love Jesus, right? And you know He saw you read this.
No, really. Share.