I have created many characters in the past. Some were for my own original stories while others are for a specific world that was already created such as the world of Fire Emblem or Naruto. Recently I have been going through and rereading my past works and what I am currently working on. As I was going through my stories, I began to notice a pattern in the traits that I gave my characters.
It made me wonder what the traits that I give my characters say about me and if any of them relate to me. It might just mean I still need to step out of my comfort zone while creating my characters and it may also mean that I relate to them in some ways.
Either way here is a list of what traits I have noticed in my characters up to this point and a short explanation of how it could relate to me.
All of the pictures were drawn by me!
1. Tragic Back Stories
Carnelian (Steven Universe Original Character)
OK, so this might not be a character trait, but it is something that I have noticed. A lot of my characters have tragic back stories whether they're hated throughout the whole entire village, their parents are dead or both. Some of them don't even need a tragic back story to be in the the universe that they are in, but I give it to them anyway. I don't have a tragic back story, but a reason for this similarity could be that I think it makes the character more interesting.
2. Very Cold At The Beginning
Ryder (Maximum Ride Original Character)
What I mean by this is that the characters themselves are very stand offish and cold at the beginning of their stories. They don't want to get close to anyone because they were told to not trust anyone or they just do it by instinct. At the beginning of every relationship, people are nervous and unsure of the relationship so this could also just be a coping mechanism that I've built into the characters. In my relationships, I am usually very quiet until someone gets to know me and this could be a reflection of that trait.
3. Kind To A Fault
My Summoner Spring (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
Some characters that I've created are so kind they are willing to put others ahead of themselves most of the time. This could be above their own feelings and much more. I've been known to be overly kind and not really think about myself first.
4. Sometimes They Don't Think Things Through
Hitomi (Naruto Original Character)
In high pressure situations the characters think, but unfortunately not too much. Most of their plans to get out of the situation they're in are completely crazy and not thought through at all. Sometimes I forget to think things through as well when it comes to things where I need to decide quickly. Even things that I've had days to think things over come to a harebrained decision.
5. Over Thinkers
My Summoner Sad (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
I know it's confusing that these characters don't think things through, but at the same time they're over thinkers. In a weird way it works. It's mostly the small stuff that they sweat such as how someone thinks about them or what they can do to prevent something that they know is completely out of their control. In this sense they are a lot like me because I tend to overthink what my friends, family or strangers are thinking about me. However, they eventually get reassurance from someone around them.
6. When They Fall In Love They Fall Hard
My Summoner Sad (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
Usually the characters I create fall in love during the course or at the beginning of the story that they're in. They fall deeply in love and they fall hard. When they're first realizing their feelings for another, they would usually try to deny the feelings of love. However, when they get the reassurance that the other person that they love them too, they let themselves feel whatever they want. This relates to me because in the past when I crushed I crushed hard, but that was when I was younger. Now, I'm not so sure because I don't think I've ever experienced true love.
7. Willing To Die For Others
My Summoner's Funeral (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
Remember those spur of the moment situations and resolutions I was talking about earlier? Many a time those last minute decisions result in them dying. They are so caring and so willing to put their life on the line for others that it's super dangerous and it hurts the others around them. This is where they don't think at all about the other possible solutions and just do what they want no matter what the others say.
8. Low Self Worth
Ryder (Maximum Ride Original Character)
What comes with the caring too much and over thinking comes a low or limited self worth. This could also be due to their tragic back story because they are usually considered "low" in their society. Others may have told them that they aren't worth it, so when it comes to being on a team that actually cares for them, they don't think of themselves as great as the others. When they don't have people telling them left and right that they're lower than others, it's usually self imposed. It's just human nature that on days we don't have the greatest self esteem and I sometimes suffer from that.
9. Usually Have A Scar Or Two 
My Summoner's Scars (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
Again, it's not a character trait but a physical trait. The scars could come from various fights that they have, stupid decisions that they've made or they just didn't know what would come of a situation. I don't think I have any scars on my body, but there could be one from when I got stitches on my head.
10. A Need To Protect Everyone
Raiya (Voltron Original Character)
All the characters I create seem to want to protect everyone to the very end. It doesn't matter how powerful they are or what defenses they have, they have an undying need to protect everyone no matter what. This duty, however, is something that they don't have to do and it might be them who needs to be protected. I try to stay by my friends' and family's sides no matter the situation and try to cheer them up when they're feeling sad. It sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't, but either way I try.
11. Explodes When Pushed Too Far
My Summoner (Fire Emblem Heroes Original Character)
It takes a lot to piss off my characters and when they've had enough, you would know. They tend to blow up when they get angered and are quite defiant against people they don't like until the bitter end. They won't allow themselves to be tossed around or walked on no matter how low their self worth may be. I don't like to be walked on and when I have had enough, I am known to stand up for myself and others. I don't get mad or yell at people too often either.