The statistical website, FiveThirtyEight, released two polls on Tuesday, Oct. 11, which showed the result of the presidential race if only men or only women voted in the 2016 Election Day.
The results showed Hillary Clinton winning if only women voted, and Donald Trump winning if only men were to vote. Soon following the release of these results, Trump supporters began calling for something rather extreme in hopes for a Trump presidency - repeal the 19th amendment.
The 19th Amendment is the Amendment that gave women the right to vote and was ratified less than 100 ears ago. Both men and women began using the hashtag on Twitter following the release of these polls.
Ironically, this is happening while at the same time Trump’s campaign is trying to repair Trump’s relationship with female voters after the scandalous release of an “Access Hollywood” tape, which exposed Trump’s incredibly crude and offensive comments about women.
Tweets including the hashtag #RepealThe19th say things like, “Men should have never given women the right to vote” or “I would be willing to give up my right to make this (a Trump presidency) happen.”
While there were many tweets using the hashtag in support, many others used the hashtag to express their disbelief which also helped to make the hashtag trend. One tweet says, “Welp that whole idea of a country formed for the sake of individual freedom was good while it lasted wasn’t it? #repealthe19th."
As unlikely as repealing the 19th amendment seems, it still shocks me that people actually want this to happen. Nevertheless want this to happen so that we can have Donald Trump as our president.
After many women have come forward with allegations of sexual assault against them. After recordings have been released featuring Trump saying horrible, crude, offensive, and simply misogynistic comments regarding women. After he excuses these comments by dismissing them as “locker room talk”.
As a woman, I am scared of Donald Trump.
I am scared of the power that he has and the power that he could potentially have. I am scared of the racism, bigotry and misogyny that he continues to spread with words that come out of his mouth.
I am scared that so many people agree with his distorted and hateful views.
Although 19th Amendment remains in place, this is just an example of what is at stake regarding rights and equality with a Donald Trump presidency.